  • 學位論文


Food Memories and the Pursuit of Selfhood in Fresh off the Boat and Trail of Crumbs

指導教授 : 馮品佳


本文主要藉由探討黃頤銘的《初來乍到》回憶錄中他小時候的遭遇,去釐清他為何有想去尋根和建構自己家鄉的企圖心。再者,也會討論黃頤銘如何建構他自己想像的家鄉和食物的道地性,針對這部份,會使用安妮塔.曼努(Annita Mannur)的「食物鄉愁」(culinary nostalgia)以及「食物道地性」(culinary authenticity)和麗莎.海克(Lisa M. Heldke)的「策略道地性」(strategic authenticity)的概念去解析黃頤銘如何建構他食物的道地性。而在後半部的論文中,會分析金順希(Kim Sunée)的《回顧所來徑》 來探討金順希對於尋找家的焦慮感。小時候被棄養而成為跨國收養兒童的背景,深深地影響她後來人際關係的發展。此外,也會探討她如何透過烹煮食物去建構她的身份以及從中得到有「根」的感覺。最後,由於黃頤銘和金順希都屬離散的主體,透過分析他們的人生經驗,去論述食物在建構身份和想像的文化場域(cultural site)中,扮演多麽重要的角色。藉由書寫食物回憶錄,他們似乎想表達對於一個再也回不去的「家」的渴望,但另一方面,也透過食物去重新建構這樣的家。然而,這種失去家的失落感所帶給他們的並非都是負面的影響,反而帶給他們另一種對人生的動力與活力。


In the thesis, by exploring Eddie Huang’s childhood experiences in Fresh off the Boat, I want to find the reasons why he desires to search for his roots and identity and to construct a cultural site of his own. Then I discuss how Huang constructs his imaginary homeland and establishes his own culinary authenticity. For this part, I use the concepts of Anita Mannur’s “culinary nostalgia” and “culinary authenticity” and Lisa M. Heldke’s “strategic authenticity” to analyze how Huang constructs his culinary authenticity. As for the latter part, I analyze Trail of Crumbs to discuss Kim’s anxiety to search for a home. As a transnational adoptee, her childhood experience of being abandoned and then adopted traumatizes her and deeply influences her later relationships with men. Besides, I discuss why food and cooking in her text become a way for her to construct her identity and to make her feel rooted. Finally, since both Huang and Kim are diasporic subjects, I want to argue that food plays an important role for them to establish an imagined cultural site and to construct their identities. By writing food memoirs, they seem to express their desire for a lost homeland while utilizing food to recreate the homeland. Such a loss is not completely negative; instead, it brings in another kind of creativity and energy to sustain their lives.


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