  • 學位論文

工業轉型後製造業潛藏風險之探索性研究 - 以某手機製造商為例

Exploratory research to identify hidden risks of the manufacturing industry after industrial repositioning - As an example of Mobile Manufacturer

指導教授 : 丁承


2012年起工業4.0為製造業帶來一股新的浪潮,大型或國際企業為了維持競爭優勢莫不爭相投入智慧製造領域,但在這漫長的轉型過程當中,企業無法立即受到新技術的庇蔭反而需先擔心既有的營運受到影響,而對於中小型企業來說,進入工業4.0的門檻過於高昂,對比現有規模其所能帶來多少實質效益的疑問讓它們卻步而選擇維持現狀。對於面對這些情境的各類製造業企業,是否有其他方法能幫助它們提升品質管理進而增進經營績效,本篇研究以某手機製造商為例做探索性研究。 而根據本篇研究導入統計方法潛在成長模型分析後發現,該手機製造商整體製造良率在資料期間內呈現持平而未有進步的狀況,且部分生產站別還有顯著的惡化趨勢,此即為可能造成企業營運風險之潛在問題。日後於實務上可建議該公司針對這些部分做更深入的細究,相信改善之後可再提升品質管理進而增進經營績效。


Industrial 4.0 has brought a new wave for manufacturing since 2012. Large or international enterprises are eager to join smart manufacturing in order to keep their competitive advantage. However, during this long transition, companies cannot get benefit immediately but suffer the impact from operations first. And for small or medium-sized companies, the threshold for entry into Industry 4.0 is huge cost. Will Industrial 4.0 really benefit more than now is an open question for them. So, for the company which is facing these kind of situations, we try finding the way to improve Quality and Operational Performance. The case from mobile phone manufacturer for us doing exploratory study. According to the Latent Growth Modeling of Statistic, we found that the overall yield rate of manufacturing from this case was unchanged or unimproved during the period of data. And there was a significant deterioration trend in some production stations which might be a potential risk for operations. We will suggest the case company to dig out more details for these problems, and believe that Quality and Operational Performance could be upgraded after solving or improving it.


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