  • 學位論文


Taiwanese High School English Teachers Cognition and Practice Regarding Open Educational Resources Materials Design –– A Case Study of Taipei CooC Cloud

指導教授 : 張靜芬


近年來對於教師製作第二外語線上教材的理念與實踐的研究日益受到重視。為了能夠有更全盤的理解,本研究採用了Borg (2006)對於教師認知所歸納的理論作為研究的架構,用來檢視高中英語教師在開放式教育平台上之實踐與教師認知的關係,其架構可被用來解釋教師學習歷程、教師專業、外在因素與教師認知之間錯綜複雜的關係。本研究以個案研究的方式,檢視二位在高中任教的英語教師,在參與台北酷課雲線上教材的製作及其認知的關係,研究資料包括訪問、線上教材資料及研究日誌,期望能更了解英語教師對於開放式教育資源其認知、實務及所處環境三者互動的關係。 本研究結果發現,教師認知在製作線上教材的歷程上,除了會受到先前語言學習經驗、師資培育訓練、累積的教學經驗的影響外,其外在情境因素也扮演影響教師在參與台北酷課雲期間中所做決定相當重要的角色。其中,情境因素包括學生特質、學校及其他教師的態度、政府政策因素及資源取得難易程度,這些情境因素若是與教師原先認知相牴觸,會造成教師在面對實務製作時作出妥協。另外,本研究發現二位教師對於台北酷課雲的立意抱持肯定的態度,但在參與製作線上教材的過程中所遇到的一些難處也影響了二位教師對於參與的總體評價。最後,二位教師對於未來開放式教育平台的應用及未來參與的意願抱持著不同的態度。 本研究提出兩個教學實務上的建議,首先,教師專業訓練課程可提供與開放式教育平台相關的製作研習教學,協助教師更了解開放式教育平台之發展和應用。第二,平台開發單位可提供相關協助資源,讓教師具備製作線上課程所需的技能和建立相關共同備課社群,以消弭教師在製作過程中可能產生的焦慮感受。


In recent years, there have been growing interests in the issues about cognition for English as second language teachers making online materials. In order to gain thorough understanding, this present study adopts Borg’s framework (2006) on teacher cognition to explore the relationship between high school English teachers cognition and practice regarding Open Educational Resources (OER). This framework can be used to explain the intricate relationship of teacher cognition between schooling, professional coursework and contextual factors. Case study methodology is used to capture the materials design of two English high school teachers participating in Taipei CooC Cloud and how their cognitions interplay. Data collection includes interviews, modules developed for the CooC Cloud, and research logs to better probe into possible factors influencing the practice on OER in English teaching. The findings revealed that both teachers’ cognitions were influenced by their experiences of schooling, professional coursework and the contextual factors in the CooC Cloud, with some minor differences shown in learning and teaching experiences. In addition, the contextual factors including potential students’ characteristics, school’s context, institutional factors, and availability of resources were also determinant factors in the teacher’s practices, causing the inconsistency between the teacher’s cognitions and their practices in the CooC Cloud. The result also found out that both teachers praised the value of the CooC Cloud. However, the struggles they had dealt with during the process affected the two teachers’ perceptions of their overall experiences. Two pedagogical implications derived from the study were provided. First, teaching training courses related to the development or the teaching of OER’s could be provided to help English teachers have better understandings. Second, it is advised that program developers provide some technical or teaching support or resources for teachers to relieve their anxiety.


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