  • 學位論文


Interactive Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Audio-Visual Performance for Multi-User

指導教授 : 許倍銜


摘要 近年來新型的虛擬實境設備不斷地推陳出新,給予觀看者超越實體空間的知覺體驗,對於影音表演來說,虛擬實境創作是在三維度虛擬環境中創造一個非線性的敘事,環境中的所有元素皆由創作者建構,與數位影音軟體所模擬的創作成果不同之處在於,體驗者所體驗的視角是置身其中的,面對的環境尺度是真實的,而虛擬實境的應用不應僅止於觀看的角度,它配有精準的定位追蹤系統能提供觀者感知環境與存在於一個空間的存在感。 於此同時,行動裝置的擴增實境也因為擴增實境框架的推出而多了應用的可能,因為擴增實境技術的逐漸成熟,新推出的擴增實境框架讓行動裝置具有相對穩定的空間定位能力,行動裝置開始與虛擬實境設備一樣具有實際應用與體驗的情境。 影音表演是影像與聲音交互結合並在相同時間結構下為主體的創作方式,而影音表演的元素還包含了即興創作及表演者與觀者的共存,本研究嘗試在這樣的架構中結合虛擬實境與擴增實境發展影音表演的系統,而在觀看之外,讓觀者能在表演過程中互動參與。 關鍵字:影音表演、擴增實境、虛擬實境、數位藝術


ABSTRACT Virtual Reality gives user a perception that transcends physical space. As for audio-visual performers, Virtual Reality are creating a non-linear narrative three-dimension virtual space. All the elements are constructed by the creator itself. The difference between a VR platform and a general audio-visual experience is the experiencers experience a live-in perception and the environment they are being in is in real scale. While Virtual Reality should not simply be a seeing device. VR device comes with precise positioning system and VR controller can be an interactive interface between user and the virtual space. At the same time, mobile augmented reality device are booming after several AR frameworks released. Because the Augmented Reality technology is getting more and more advent, the new released AR framework features real-time world tracking and plane detection. Therefore, mobile device begins to have the same practical use case and experience as Virtual Reality device. Audio-visual performance is an art practice that put audio and visual in relation to each other in the same time structure. The characteristic of audio-visual performance also includes improvisation and the presence of the performers and the audience. The research tries to incorporate AR and VR into audio-visual performance and develops into a system. In addition to simply seeing in AR/VR, the research tries to make audience participate and interact with the performance by synchronizing the virtual event. Keyword: Audio-Visual Performance, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Digital Art


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