  • 學位論文

電子商務關鍵成功因素:越南 Tiki 公司個案分析

Critical Success Factors of Vietnamese E-Commerce Business: A case study of Tiki Corporation

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


如越南等地的新興市場,其電子商務(又俗稱電商)正在以指數般地成長。愈來愈多廠商嘗試在這競爭但具利潤潛力的市場紮根發展。Tiki股份有限公司(Tiki)成立於2010年– 一間越資的新創公司– 與其他外商品牌相較,已成為市場中成長發展最快速的平台其中之一。選擇像線上書店等等的利基市場,Tiki以獨特的服務逐漸贏得顧客的信任且時至今日已將業務拓展至線上交易各類商品的平台。以創建時的資金以及強而有力的投資者的支持作為靠山、並採取顧客導向的措施,Tiki利用了科技提供給顧客最便利的方式去體驗線上購物。 此篇論文係為尋找Choi et al. (2006)論文著作提及的電商公司的關鍵成功因素,並以此為依據運用於Tiki的故事上。展示說明分類為有形資產、無形資產以及流程的關鍵成功因素,且與Tiki的個案研究內容一致。 關鍵詞: 電商、電子商務、成功因素、越南


電商 電子商務 成功因素 越南


Electronic commerce (known as EC or e-commerce) is exponentially booming in emerging markets like Vietnam. More and more players is trying to set their foot in this fierce but potentially profitable market. Established in 2010, Tiki Corporation (Tiki) – Vietnam-based e-commerce start up – has become one of fastest growing platforms in the market, compared with foreign brands. Choosing niche market as selling books online, Tiki gradually won customers’ trust by its unique services and has expanded into general merchandise platform as today. Backed by established funds and strong investors, adopting customer-driven approach, Tiki has leveraged technology to offer customers the most convenient ways to experience online shopping. This thesis seeks to investigate critical success factors of an EC corporate suggested by Choi et al. (2006) by applying them to Tiki’s story. Those critical success factors categorized by tangible assets, intangible assets and process are demonstrated in the conformity with Tiki case study. Keyword: e-commerce, electronic commerce, success factors, Vietnam


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