  • 學位論文


Comparison of Paintings-Appreciation Experiences in a Gallery by Using Different Guiding Approaches

指導教授 : 莊明振 許峻誠


當前展覽已被廣泛應用在博物館、美術館、古蹟、旅遊景點、商業會展等各個領域,而在展覽過程中使觀者對展品有更深的了解,連結展品與觀者之間的導覽媒介,正扮演著重要的角色。然而目前導覽媒介的應用,仍侷限在大、中型的展覽,因此本研究探討成本比較低的紙卡導覽與應用普及的手機導覽,應用在小型畫展以提升觀畫體驗效益與使用性。研究中策展一以原生藝術為主題之實驗畫展,並徵集以大學生為主之受試者進行觀畫實驗。首先將受試者隨機指派分成三組,分別為不使用導覽媒介、使用手機導覽媒介及使用現場紙卡導覽媒介來觀賞此畫展,並於觀賞後填寫觀畫體驗量表及導覽媒介使用性與效用性評估評量表,再對量表結果進行統計分析與討論。 分析結果獲得以下結論,以觀畫體驗量表結果來看,不管是使用手機或是紙卡導覽媒介,似都未能提升觀賞者的觀畫體驗,這可能顯示導覽的內容與設計仍有提升的空間,尤其是對原生藝術而言。但從主觀效用性評估來看,使用兩種導覽媒介的受試者皆認為導覽有益於他們的觀畫體驗。使用手機或紙卡導覽媒介,對觀畫的體驗與使用性並無顯著差異,皆無明顯使用性問題,顯示兩者皆適合應用於小型畫展的導覽,而整體滿意度手機略高於紙本導覽,反映出手機使用的方便性與使用者對手機的依賴性。就受試者因素對觀畫體驗與媒介使用性而言,性別因素、專業背景因素對觀畫體驗皆沒有顯著影響,但在使用性上,可能因藝術設計背景受試者較有觀畫經驗,較不易因使用導覽而分心,也對欣賞藝文相關展覽的偏好度較高,而對觀賞藝文展覽較偏好者對,觀畫體驗顯著略佳,對使用性問題則略低。


Guiding medium is an important element in most exhibitions which carried exhibition-related information and make audience be engaged. Yet, studies on the design of guiding mediums in small scale exhibition are scarce. This study curated an experimental exhibition on outsider art with guiding mediums presented on a smart phone or on a paper card to explore how does the guiding mediums support audience’s painting-appreciation experience. Overall, 88 subjects were recruited and randomly assigned into three groups: theyare asked to appreciate the exhibition without using guiding medium, using smart phone guiding medium, and using on-site paper card guiding medium, respectively, and to answer an appreciation experience assessment questionnaire and a medium usability and utility assessment questionnaire at the end of the exhibition appreciation. The result of appreciation experience assessment did not revealed the significant effect of enhancing appreciation experience by using smart phone guiding medium or paper card guiding medium, though the subjects asserted the usefulness of both guiding mediums in their utility assessment. This result might due to that the content was not designed well enough to significantly enhance appreciation experience on outsider art. The result of usability assessment showed that neither smart phone guiding medium nor paper card guiding medium did not cause obvious usability problem, but satisfaction of using smart phone guiding medium is slightly higher than that of using paper card guiding medium. This might reflect the convenience of using mobile phones and our dependence one mobile phones nowadays. We concluded that either smart phone guiding medium or paper card guiding medium can be beneficially applied to painting-appreciation in a small scale gallery as long as the content of the guiding medium is appropriately designed.


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