  • 學位論文


Investigating the Effects of Consumers’ Sustainability Consciousness and Thinking Style on Attitudes toward Corporations that Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility

指導教授 : 欒紀成


過去研究顯示企業投入企業社會責任的歷史會正面影響消費者對該企業的態度,然而新創企業由於本身成立歷史短,在從事企業社會責任時是否有其他優勢能與投入企業社會責任較長的老企業相比,故本研究探討消費者是否會注意投入企業社會責任年數佔企業成立年數的比例。當消費者面對兩種企業,一種是投入企業社會責任歷史長但投入年數佔成立年數比例低的老企業,與另一種是投入企業社會責任歷史短但投入年數佔成立年數比例高的新企業時,消費者永續認知程度搭配不同思考風格如何影響其對這兩種企業的態度而做出選擇。 本研究使用2(永續認知:高/低)*2(思考風格:整體型/分析型)實驗設計對企業態度做分析。結果雖然未能發現顯著的交互作用效果,但透過開放式問項詢問受測者選擇的理由發現,選擇老企業主要是因為其擁有較多資源投入企業社會責任;選擇新企業主因是受測者注意到投入企業社會責任的年數佔成立年數比例高具有永續性。


Previous research has shown that the history of a corporation engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) is positively related to consumer attitude toward the corporation. However, are there any other advantages for a new corporation to increase consumer attitude because its history is even shorter than an old corporation’s history of engaging in CSR? Therefore, this research investigates whether consumers notice the proportion of the history of a corporation engaging in CSR to its history. Given the choice between a corporation that has a longer history but the proportion of the history of engaging in CSR to its history is lower and a corporation that has a shorter history but the proportion of the history of engaging in CSR to its history is higher, how do consumers’ sustainability consciousness and thinking style influence their attitudes toward these two corporations? This research conducts a 2 (sustainability consciousness: high/low) * 2 (thinking style: holistic/analytic) experimental design to analyze consumer attitudes toward the corporations. The results do not show the significant interaction effect between sustainability consciousness and thinking style. However, according to the findings from the open-end question about the reasons to choose one of the corporations, participants who chose an older corporation consider that it has more resources to invest in CSR. Participants who chose a newer corporation primarily think that the higher proportion of doing CSR to its history means more sustainable.


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