  • 學位論文

隱私保護手機的新產品開發模式及B2B 營銷模式 -以HTC公司為例

New product development model of mobile privacy protection and B2B marketing strategy

指導教授 : 鍾惠民 謝文良


手持式裝置,既手機,市占率已經趨於滿滿飽和的現在,包含Apple Iphone也沒能倖免於調降手機出貨量的調整。全世界所有手機製造商,無不想盡辦法在手機上找找新的殺手級應用,或是將手機的應用加上另外一組硬件來配合增加應用的廣度,來搶市佔率。但是飽和的程度,以及這些所謂的應用已非當時手機剛推出的時候,取代原本不方便性強度來的那麼高,這也是為什麼目前殺手級足以改變人們生活使用習慣的應用都沒能夠在出來的最大原因,現在的手機科技創新已沒那麼高含量。 然而,裝置只是當下,數據才是未來。手機平台已經是無遠佛屆,人手一台都是最起碼的配備,可是,在大數據的時代之下,我們最容易忽略的就是個人隱私,被利用來獲取公司利益,或是個人利益,甚至是操作選舉,都已經不是傳聞,都是以發生的事實。”連結只是當下,數據才是未來”,必須建立在有授權的前提之下。 我們必須開始重視個人的隱私,懂得自己的甚麼樣的數位資料,容易被誤用,該如何提供給使用者一個安全的數位隱私環境(包含, 所有個人資訊資料,系統,手持裝備)。這點是本篇想要強調的重點。 本研究將從 何謂安全執行環境、安全等級、如何執行實作設計、還有未來走向、以及本研究範例公司HTC如何站在優勢地位建構此生態。


手機 隱私


The market share of mobile phones has become saturated, and the inclusion of the Apple Iphone has not been spared from the adjustment of mobile phone shipments. All mobile phone manufacturers around the world do not want to find new killer applications on their mobile phones, or add another set of hardware to the mobile phone application to increase the breadth of applications to capture market share. But the degree of saturation, and these so-called applications, were not as high as the inconvenience of the mobile phone when it was first introduced. This is why the current killer application that is enough to change people’s living habits is not available. The biggest reason is that the current mobile phone technology innovation is not so high. However, the device is only the moment, and the data is the future. The mobile phone platform is already full of the world. However, in the era of big data, the most easily overlooked is personal privacy, which is used to obtain the company's interests or personal interests. Even the operation of the elections is no longer a rumor, it is a fact that happens. "The connection is only the present, the data is the future, must be based on the premise of authorization, there are two ways to prevent. we must begin to pay attention to personal privacy, know what kind of digital information, easy to be misused, how to provide users with a safe digital privacy environment (including all personal information, systems, handheld equipment). This point is the focus of this article


security mobile device Shamir secure B2B strategy Trsutzone


1. 科技島讀, 謝謝您宏達電,https://daodu.tech/09-26-2017-thank-you-htc
2. 2019 Rebooting Web of Trust workshop.
i. https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/Socia_%20Key_Recovery_design_implentation.md
3. https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/social-key-recovery.md
