  • 學位論文


Establishing a Framework for Knowledge Management System of New Product Development Project-A Case Study of Cell-Phone Design and Development

指導教授 : 劉志明


隨著全球化之趨勢來臨,企業間競爭也愈來愈激烈,訂單的取得是企業獲得營收及生存的不二法門,然而品質與價格是決定訂單取得之必要條件,同時速度更是贏得訂單的關鍵要素,在新產品開發上速度亦是決定企業是否搶先切入利基市場及獲取高毛利之關鍵要素。 然而近年來知識管理風潮盛行,企業間均相繼導入知識管理的目的在於解決資料整合、分析與管理的問題,企圖藉此提昇企業整體營運績效及強化競爭力,所以企業進行新產品開發時更需藉由建構適當的研發知識管理系統來縮短研發時程,以增加新產品開發效率,達到快速反應市場(客戶)需求、快速上市、快速量產、快速變現。但是目前大多數企業僅針對企業總體性導入知識管理系統,範圍很廣却不夠深入,對於新產品開發也較缺乏依企業/客戶特性來建構的專案知識管理系統,但這卻是極為重要的課題。 本研究回顧國內外學者所提出關於新產品開發知識管理系統、專案管理、新產品開發之系統工程方法論、產品資料管理系統、新產品開發知識分類方法等五類文獻,發現相關學術論文仍欠缺同時探討新產品開發與專案知識管理的文獻,故本研究以個案公司為例,依其企業/客戶特性來建構合適的新產品開發專案知識管理系統架構。 本研究整合學術上有關專案管理、產品文件管理與產品品項管理方法,以解決企業進行新產品開發實務上面臨的問題,並提出一個適合企業/客戶特性之新產品開發專案之知識管理理論系統架構,將企業在新產品開發專案上之資訊/文件/知識作統合、分析、整理及分享,同時建立相關資訊/文件/知識之系統化架構,以便快速複製到各專案中,可縮短新產品開發專案之時程。此外,本研究並透過個案分析與應用,來驗證新產品開發專案知識管理系統架構,以作為專案內成員溝通與學習的介面與管理工具,使企業專案經理人及專案成員可以有效地提昇新產品開發專案的績效。


The Globalization has caused the business competition much more serious. Whether a company can survive depends on winning more business, which also relate to lower price, higher quality and shorter turn-around time. These three factors are also variables deeply affect each other. How to manage these three factors adequately has become a killer technique. Among the industry, the knowledge management tool has been broadly deployed. And its purpose is to integrate, analyze and manage all critical activities, and hence improve the overall operation performance and company core competence. Especially during product development, the Knowledge Management tool has been used to store the product development related data and hence to enhance the product development efficiency. And also enable user to react more flexibly and rapidly to serve international customers. However, the Knowledge Management tool has been widely deployed, but whether the tool has been deeply helping with user’s daily activity has become a big question. During the research, it was discovered that the existing published research paper don’t cover the new product development and knowledge management at the same time. So this research is focusing on a case study which customize a knowledge management tool for a selected company. This research integrate the project management, documentation management and BOM (bill-of-material) management, and propose a knowledge management tool. This tool not only covers the integration, analyzing and sharing the information, but also provide links to each related information for fast access and searching. Also, a case study is included in order to demonstrate how does this knowledge management tool can be used to assist user’s to improve their day-to-day activities.


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