  • 學位論文


Research and Development of Private Cloud Storage Service for Multi-User Collaboration

指導教授 : 王昱舜 吳育松


為了解決交大資工系辦公室中,多人協作情境上之業務檔案分享的問題,本論文設計與實作一款私有雲儲存服務 CSDrive,CSDrive 除了提供存取私有雲檔案的網頁介面以及通訊協定外,CSDrive 還有提供檔案操作歷程、檔案歷史版本、檔案資源回收桶以及對外發布檔案等功能,比起其他私有雲儲存服務解決方案,CSDrive 的檔案歷史版本功能可以更加完整的記錄與生成不同使用者於不同工作階段下的內容編修差異,此外 CSDrive 的對外發布檔案功能是基於交大資工系辦公室需求所設計,更適合用於正式文件檔案的對外發布情境上。


In order to resolve the problem of file sharing of multi-user collaboration in the Department Office of NCTUCS, we design and develop CSDrive - a private cloud storage services. In addition to offering web interface and communications protocols for accessing files on private cloud, CSDrive also provides file operation history, file versioning, file recycle bin and file publishing, etc. Compare to other private cloud storage service solutions, file versioning feature of CSDrive can more completely record and generate content differences between different users on different work phase. Besides, file publishing feature of CSDrive is based on the requirements of Department Office of NCTUCS, which is more suitable for external publishing of official documents.


Private Cloud Groupware WebDAV SMB


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