  • 學位論文


Robust File Transfer into Cloud Storage Service

指導教授 : 陳延華


本論文主要提出一個安全可靠之雲端檔案儲存方法。儲存檔案前先將檔案資料切割,再將切割後檔案資料分別利用高階加密標準(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES)及容錯式磁碟陣列(Redundant Array of Independent Disks 6,RAID 6) 技術,對資料進行加密與編碼保護後,傳送至雲端儲存空間存放,達成以可靠安全的方式進行資料存放之目的。由於進行資料分割後的檔案已具資料隱密性,原需要 10 次遞迴運算的 AES 加密法及可縮減為 5 次,因此本論文對AES 加密所需之計算 Mix Columns 及 Inverse Mix Columns 的過程,可進行減少乘法次數的改良。RAID 6 的資料編碼法過程中,需進行多項式運算求得 P 與 Q 值,本論文改以查表法計算多項式求得 Q 值,減少資料在編碼傳送時的等待時間。本論文所提之檔案傳送方式,不僅能提高資料的安全性與可靠性,也能達成即時傳輸的需求。


A secure and robust file transmission method utilizing AES and RAID 6 is proposed in this thesis. The file to be transferred is first separated into several data chunks, AES is applied to encryption/decryption those chunks, and then use the RAID 6 technology to protect data for cloud storage. AES method is modified that needs only 5 rounds for the file encryption/decryption. The proposed method can thus accelerate the AES encryption function operation of the MixColumns and decryption function operation of InvMixColumns. The protection for data chucks can be implemented by using RAID 6 method, this can be done by evaluating two syndromes, referred P and Q, through lookup table method. It can be a robust file transmission required for real-time encoding and decoding systems.


Look-up Table AES MixColumn RAID 6


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