  • 學位論文


Comparison of Air Pollution Policies between Taiwan and the United States

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


由於近年來空氣污染的問題日益嚴重,對於人們的日常生活以及健康造成了許多負面的影響,本研究的目的是探討造成空氣汙染的影響因子,並對於台灣空氣污染政策與美國空氣污染政策進行比較與分析,探討台美兩國對於這些造成空氣汙染嚴重的因子制定哪些相關政策。 研究結果顯示,台美兩國政策上,在固定燃燒源分類中,美國較著重在露天燃燒,台灣政策較無提到這部分,本研究認為未來台灣可以著重露天燃燒政策的制定;工業排放、汽機車排放、人口密度及GDP是四個影響空氣汙染的人為因素,台美兩國對於工業排放與汽機車排放這兩個因子都有相關政策規範,但對於人口密度和GDP這兩個因子尚未制定相關政策,本研究認為是由於經濟發展的考慮,因此這兩個因子較難被改善。


空氣汙染 影響因子 政策


In the recent years, as the problem of air pollution has become more and more serious, it has caused many negative impacts on our daily life and health. The purpose of this research is to explore the factors that exacerbate air pollution to compare Taiwan's air pollution policies with the US air pollution policies, and then to explore the relevant policies that Taiwan and the United States have formulated for these factors that cause serious air pollution. The research results show that the United States’ policies focus on open burning, and Taiwan’s policies don’t mention this part in the classification of fixed combustion sources. The research results suggest that Taiwan may focus on the formulation of open burning policies in the future. Industrial emissions, Automobile and motorcycle emissions, population density and GDP are the four human factors that affect air pollution, Taiwan and the United States have formulated relevant policies and regulations on the two factors of industrial emissions and automobile and motorcycle emissions, but the two countries have not formulated relevant policies on two factors of population density and GDP, and the research considers that these two factors are difficult to improve due to economic development considerations.


air pollution impact factors policies


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