  • 學位論文


A Pilot Study on the Effects of Teaching Material Designs and Explaining Ways on Learning Performances and Eye Movements: A Case Study of the Angle Problems in Triangles

指導教授 : 陳明璋 陶振超


運用多媒體進行課堂教學時,教材的呈現和引導,還有教學者的解說方式都是影響學習過程的重要因素。一般的學習測驗只能評量教學後的綜合表現,而眼動追蹤系統 (Eye-tracker) 能夠記錄整個教學過程中學習者眼球移動的狀況,藉此可以了解學習者是否能夠快速地看到目標物還有視線停留的狀況,可作為評定視覺搜尋和注意力引導的參考。 本研究以國中數學幾何課程中的三角形內角題目為例,依教材是否含有適性指標 (adaptive pointer),還有解說方式是否為口語化 (oral elabortion),設計成三種不同教學設計:無適性指標加上非口語化解說、適性指標加上非口語化解說、適性指標加上口語化解說。受試者為28位國中七年學生,隨機分配到三組中,進行眼球追蹤實驗和學習的記憶測驗 (retention test)。實驗結果顯示:含有適性指標的教學設計 (實驗組2,N=10),在學習的記憶測驗上有顯著優異的表現,並且對於協助視覺搜尋和注意力引導有顯著的作用;適性指標加上口語化解說的教學設計 (實驗組3,N=9),各項表現情形和實驗組2差不多,並沒有達到顯著更優異的結果,但是能明顯幫助受試者減少對於圖片中英文編碼的觀看次數。


When using multimedia instruction in the classroom, the present of teaching materials and the teacher’s explaining ways are important roles in learning process. Traditional learning tests can just assess the outcomes after whole teaching process finished. However, Eye-tracker system can record the learner’s all eye movements within the learning process, so that, we can judge whether the learner can notice the target faster or not, and know the patterns of the point of gaze. To make use of these, we can examine the effects on vision searching and attention guiding. This pilot study took triangular angle topic in geometry course of mathematics of junior high school as an example. Considered the teaching material designs and explaining ways, we designed three kinds of instructional groups: no adaptive pointer with non-oral elaboration, adaptive pointer with non-oral elaboration, and adaptive pointer with oral elaboration. Participants were seventh grade students (N=28) whose eye movements were measured as viewing the instructional PowerPoint. Following the instruction, they had a retention test to assess their learning performance. Ayalysis indicated that instruction with adaptive pointer (group 2, N=10) showed better effects on retention performance, vision searching and attention guiding. The results of the situation of adaptive pointer with oral elaboration (group 3, N=9) was similar to group 2, but it would reduce the number of fixations on English letters in graphs.


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