  • 學位論文


A Study of Visual Guiding Applying to Pattern Regularity

指導教授 : 陳明璋


尋求規律是探索科學的根本,然而數形規律在黑板上不易呈現,若能運用視覺引導來進行數位教學,應有助於提升學習意願及成效。 本研究探討以有視覺引導或無視覺引導的教材應用在國中數形規律的教學上,對學生的學習成效與上課感受的影響。採準實驗研究法,於國中七年級四個常態班級進行實驗。 有視覺引導或無視覺引導的教材應用於數形規律教學,結果分析如下 1. 學習成效部分: (1) 對於整體學生的階段學習成就有顯著差異,有視覺引導的教材,有助於學生的階段學習成就表現。在延後測部分,僅圖形最複雜的一題有顯著差異。 (2) 對於高、中、低成就學生的階段學習成就無顯著差異,但在圖形與教學題目相同的部分,在高、中、低成就學生都有顯著差異。在延後測部分,高、中、低成就學生均無顯著差異。 (3) 應用在較複雜的數形規律圖形的教學上,相較於簡單的圖形,有較顯著的學習成效差異。另外,從效果值來看,對於低成就學生的學習成效差異幾乎每題都達中、大效果。 2. 上課感受部分: (1) 對於整體學生的「上課意願」有顯著差異,有視覺引導的教材能提高學生的學習意願。 (2) 對於中成就學生的「上課意願」及「理解程度」有顯著差異,有視覺引導的教材能提高中成就學生的上課意願及理解程度。對於低成就學生的「困難度」及「耗費心力」有顯著差異,有視覺引導的教材能降低低成就學生的困難度感受及減少其需耗費的心力。對於高成就學生的上課感受則無顯著差異。


Searching for the regularity is the basis of science, but it’s not easy to display the pattern regularity on the blackboard. If the digital teaching can be conducted in the classroom via the visual guiding, it is believed that students’ motivation and learning will be improved. This study examines the effects of teaching pattern regularity via visual guiding and not via visual guiding on junior high students’ learning performances and sense perception in class. Quasi-experiment design was adopted. Four seventh-grade intact classes from a junior high school participated in this study. The results of teaching pattern regularity via visual guiding and not via visual guiding can be summarized as follows: 1. In terms of learning performances - (1) The participants’ learning improved significantly after the implementation of visual guiding. However, on the delayed posttest, the significant differences only presented in the question with the most complicated patterns. (2) The participants’ learning didn’t improve significantly after the implementation of visual guiding in terms of the high-achievers, medium-achievers, and low-achievers. However, their learning improved significantly in the categories of the same patterns and questions. There was no significant effect in delayed posttest. (3) The participants’ learning improved significantly when visual guiding was adopted in teaching complicated patterns. For effect size, the low-achievers did make progress in learning. 2. In terms of sense perception in class (1) The participants’ sense perception in class of the implementation of visual guiding were significantly different especially in the category of students’ learning willingness. (2) The medium-achievers’ sense perception in class of the implementation of visual guiding were significantly different in the categories of students’ learning willingness and students’ understanding. The low-achievers’ sense perception in class of the implementation of visual guiding were significantly different in the categories of difficulty and mental load, while the high-achievers’ were not.




