  • 學位論文


A Study of the Interaction Between New Media Art Education and Creation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊明振 林珮淳


台灣新媒體藝術發展由早期零星藝術家的實驗性作品與研究,到近年來各大型展演都可以見到新媒體藝術作品的身影,領域的成熟讓投入的藝術家漸漸增增多,而新媒體藝術的表現又因數位特性與技術門檻,創作者以青年藝術家居多。這些藝術家的養成背景,以不同於九零年代歸國學人潮,在地經驗的培養多在學院完成。為了充分了解新媒體藝術在台灣的發展中,教育與創作之間的相互關係,本研究在第一階段以文獻資料整理成年表,並以文獻資料發展德懷術方法問卷,經由教育專家8位,創作專家8位,三來回訪談與問卷,整理出關鍵字詞,並由關鍵字詞發展出最終調適後之模型。 希望經由台灣新媒體藝術發展年表來了解新媒體藝術的發展趨勢,經由調適後模型了解新媒體藝術創作者之需要,並期待研究結果能為台灣新媒體藝術環境提供未來建議。


The early new media art works in Taiwan were experimental and inappreciable. Recently, you can see artists devoted their efforts to the field that makes new media art popular and essential in exhibitions. The field matures with more specialist artists. Because of its specialties of innovation and technicality, new media artists in Taiwan are almost young and inventive. These young media artists nourished by college in Taiwan differ greatly from artists returned from abroad in 90’. In order to understand fully how of the interaction between new media art education and creation in Taiwan, the researcher compiles Taiwan’s new media art chronology. The Delphi method of questionnaire is devised based on the chronology and literature review. Answers from 8 specialists in new media art education and 8 specialists in new media art creation provided essential keywords to the revised model of the correlation between them. Hope to understand new media art trend in Taiwan and provide further suggestion to this area。


吳鼎武,瓦歷斯,電腦與數位藝術, 科學月刊,32:3=375,217-223頁,民國九十年三月
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