  • 學位論文


Comparing the effectiveness of Push and Pull System in handling Disruptions in a Supply Chain

指導教授 : 李榮貴


大自然與人為的災害可能在任何時候發生導致供應鏈瓦解,雖然知道有潛在風險,許多公司並沒準備好如何應變供應鏈短暫的瓦解,也沒有意圖改善供應鏈在災害發生時可以靈活應對。 本研究目的即是透過 Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute研發的軟體來模擬分別在供應鏈上使用推式和拉式系統的表現,並證實了運用拉式系統 ,公司可以較有效處理在短時間內供應鏈的瓦解.


Natural or man-made disasters can occur at any moment results in supply chain disruption. Although companies known the potential risks their business are exposed, many of them are not prepared to respond to demand during a disruption in their supply chain, neither intend to invest in create or redesign their supply chain to be resilient against those events. The purpose of this research is by using the simulation software developed by Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute will compare the performance of a pull and push supply chain system design, also confirm the assumption that with a pull system a company can better handle a short time disruption of the supply chain.


Supply chain Push and Pull System Resilience


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