  • 學位論文


Copyright Issues in Fan Fiction: Focusing on Fair Use

指導教授 : 王敏銓


同人小說是一種運用他人著作當中的某些要素另外書寫而成的衍生創作,這類創作隨著近年來網路的發展在國內外快速蔓延盛行,其引發的相關法律問題也逐漸受到重視。我國雖然曾有同人創作者與著作權人間的爭議事件,但這類案件多未進入訴訟程序即私下解決,因此實務上對此種創作的態度為何並不明朗;國內針對同人小說涉及之著作權法問題雖亦不乏論述,然而論者對於此議題之見解並不一致,更缺乏相關的實證研究。 本研究係針對同人小說涉及之著作權法問題,就國內外文獻與相關實務判決為整理及分析,並就同人小說是否可能構成合理使用的部分進行實證研究。在同人小說涉及的著作權侵害部分,主要就下列幾個議題進行討論:著作權人的角色保護、同人創作者可能構成的姓名表示權、禁止不當變更權、重製權與改作權侵害。至於同人小說與合理使用的部分,則係先就相關文獻為探討,再進行實證研究。本研究的實施方法為深度訪談法,並採半結構式訪談,以立意抽樣方式邀請三位受訪者,分別為著作權法領域的學者、律師與智慧財產法院之法官,期望藉由其豐富的經驗與知識提供對於同人小說與合理使用議題的想法。 研究結果發現,在同人創作的社群中,一篇被認為成功地描寫了原作人物形象的同人小說很有可能會侵害著作權人的角色著作權,並且同時構成重製權及改作權侵害;至於著作人格權的侵害則未必會構成侵害。另外,本研究整理相關見解後發現,國外學者多主張同人小說足以成立合理使用,實證研究的結果則顯示我國的學者與實務工作者在判斷同人小說可否構成合理使用時,多傾向認定仿諷性質的同人小說原則上為合理使用,至於其他非仿諷性的同人小說則必須觀察該同人小說的創意展現程度以及著作權人有無因為同人創作受到經濟利益的減損才能決定。 總結而言,考量到同人小說符合著作權法之立法目的,以及多數情況下與著作權人的互惠關係,實應承認同人創作具有值得保護的價值。不過,僅仰賴現行法下的合理使用規定其實未必足以保障同人創作者,因此本研究建議可透過其它方式緩和同人創作者與著作權人的緊張關係。最終期望能透過修法方式,明文承認同人小說以及其他混合創作的合法性,只在例外影響著作權人經濟利益的情況下始認定該行為構成著作權侵害。


Fan fiction is a kind of derivative work written by amateur writer who uses characters or settings from copyrighted work. This kind of creation is now spreading rapidly around the world because of the advent of the Internet. Meanwhile, more and more people have become aware of the legal issues regarding this creation. However, no case of copyright infringement on the basis of fan fiction has ever gone to trial in Taiwan. Previous researchers have not reached a consensus on the legal issues involved, and there is also a lack of empirical research regarding copyright issues in fan fiction. The aim of this study is to analyze the copyright issues raised between fan fiction writers and copyright owners by examining previous studies and analogous cases. The subjects discussed in the thesis including whether a character can be protected by copyright, upon what fan fiction might infringe and the fair use defense. In addition, a qualitative research based on in-depth and semi-structured interview is conducted in order to provide useful information about how to appropriately treat the issue of fan fiction as fair use. The result turns out that a fan fiction which is considered successful among other fans will probably violate both reproduction and adaption right of the copyright owner, yet it may not necessarily constitute moral rights infringement. An empirical research performed by the thesis shows that the three respondents have a tendency to believe parody works as fair use, while the judgment concerning other fan fictions which are not considered to be parodies will largely depend on the creativity demonstrated by the fan fiction and the impact on the financial interest of copyright owner. Fan fiction should deserve protection to certain degree because it conforms to the legislative purpose of copyright law, and for most of the time there is a mutually beneficial relationship between fan fiction writers and copyright owners. However, merely depending on the fair use doctrine under current law to protect this kind of creation may be insufficient, thus applying some additional methods may be able to relieve the tension between amateur writers and copyright owners. Ultimately, in order to bring out more and more creative works and promote the development of our culture, the copyright law should adopt some revisions to improve the legal status of fan fiction writers as well as many remix creators.


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