  • 學位論文


Field Spreading-The Grid System to Represent the Awareness in Environment

指導教授 : 龔書章


建築是由各種不同的要素所構成,而這些要素中有詩意的知覺關係也有系統性的架構其中,這些不同的要素經由 多向度的交織、交疊在一起成為建築的整體。本論文將這些建築要素的關係定義為一網格系統,企圖利用此網格 系統連結人、建築與環境這三者,使建築與環境集結成為場所,並與人回到最本質知覺的關係。 網格本身俱有的秩序性與集結的特質,使人們得以更清晰的辨識環境與自然。本文透過探討網格系統的本質與解 析構成網的元素「點」、「格」、「網」,與構成建築場所之中組成的元素「知覺」、「場所」、「地方感」進行類比, 思考元素的本質與其集結的架構關係。此網格系統為一實體的網也為一無形的網,它集結了所有住居的意念,成 為生活的載體,包含了空間真實的構造、結構、自然的物理條件、城市的紋理;或是虛體的歷史記憶、生活的日 常片段、社會文化在其中。


網格系統 知覺 場所 地方感


Architecture is composed of various elements which including both poetic perception and systematic framework, these different elements are multidimensional overlapping and interwoven into the whole of architecture. This thesis would define the relationship between these elements as a grid system, and intend to using it to connecting people, architecture and environment. So that the architecture and the field could be assembled into a place, and back to the perception relationship with people. The quality of aggregation and order of a grid making people could identify environment and nature more clearly. This thesis exploring the nature of grid to analyze the grid elements "point" ,"grille" and “grid”, through the analogy between them and elements composing the architecture and place to think about their essence and the relations between them. This grid system is a network of visible and invisible, it brings all of residential thought together to become the carrier of life, it is either the construction and structure in space, natural physical conditions and urban texture or historical memory, fragments of daily life and social cultural.


Grid system Network system Perception Place Sense of place


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