  • 學位論文

半導體設備業在中國的成長策略以 S 公司為例

Growth Strategy of Semiconductor Equipment Industry in China A Case Study of Company S

指導教授 : 張家齊 戴天時


90年代,隨著半導體產業的興起,一座動輒千億以上的晶圓廠在台灣密集的程度是世界少見的,這也造就了台灣在整個半導體產業鏈上不可或缺的地位。台灣的半導體產值佔台灣的整體GDP 15%,在全球半導體中也排名第三。台灣在整體產業鏈上唯獨少了一塊,所有的製造所需的設備大於95%以上仰賴國外進口。S集團以完成華人半導體最後一塊拼圖的方向改組前進發展。 “然而2015年3月,中國國務院總理李克強在第十二屆全國人民代表大會發表的政府工作報告中,提及了《中國製造2025》,是針對中國產業發展的一個新概念。” (中國製造2025;維基百科) “在此之前,2014年,中國國務院就已設立扶植本土半導體(集成電路)產業的「大基金」,第一期募得1300多億元人民幣;2018年更宣布將加碼募資3000億元。2015年中國發布了《中國製造2025》文件,同一年由「國家製造強國建設戰略諮詢委員會」動員「48位院士、400多位專家」討論制定,公布了「《中國製造2025》重點領域技術路線圖」,羅列10項關鍵產業,包含半導體、AI製造與機器人、高技術船舶、航空航天、軌道裝備、新能源汽車、新材料、電力裝備、農業裝備、生醫等產業。” (尋租中國: 台商、廣東模式與全球資本主義,368頁) 從此全球半導體進入了另一個戰國時代,而半導體製造業市場也隨著《中國製造2025》的策略所有的資源明顯的往中國靠攏。 本研究即是探討在此背景條件下,S集團的發展策略,如何從熟悉的發跡地台灣轉往中國;從半導體設備的關鍵零組件朝設備整機製造開發;並分析其在中國市場上的五力與如何計畫IPO的探討研究,進而提出此產業未來在中國市場上的發展與建議。


High density of Fabs in Taiwan contributes 15% of Taiwan ’s overall GDP and ranks third among the global semiconductors that lead to an indispensable position in the entire semiconductor industry chain. However, more than 95% of fabrication facilities in Fabs in Taiwan are imported. As the consequence of it, S Group aims to construct the independent semiconductor industry equipment manufacturing. The Prime Minister of Chian, Li Keqiang, proposed " Made in China 2025 " plan which also included semiconductor sector in the government work report at the 12th National People's Congress in March, 2015. The proposal is a new concept for the development of China's industries. Prior to it, the State Council of China had raised more than 130 billion RMB in the first phase to support the local semiconductor (integrated circuit) industry in 2014. Nevertheless, the China government intends to raise 300 billion RMB in 2018. Since then, global semiconductors have entered the highly competitive era. The semiconductor manufacturing market has subsequently and significantly expanded dramatically in China due to the strategy of "Made in China 2025." This research aims to explore the development strategy of S Group in terms of transferring from original Taiwan to China as well as from the key components of semiconductor equipment to equipment manufacturing and development. The analysis of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model in China market and IPO proposal will also be investigated.


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2. 黃欽勇,科技島鏈:中美日韓台共構的產業新局,大椽出版社,2019
3. (英)休.佩曼, 萬宏瑜(譯),中國巨變:地球上最偉大的變革,人民出版社 2019
4. Robert K. Yin(1994), CASE STUDY RESEARCH - Design and Methods, 2nd Edition, SAGE Publications
