  • 學位論文


Research and Analysis on Business Strategy of Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers

指導教授 : 李雨師


半導體是許多產業發展的根基,同時也是全球化產業的代表,無論是上中下游的廠商,其營運佈局都必須具備全球化的視野與策略。其中,全球半導體設備廠商肩負著支撐整體產業向前邁進的關鍵供給,重量級設備業者的經營手法以及策略方針緊密牽動著未來的產業趨勢,更同時透露出未來的潛在商機。 根據Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International(簡稱SEMI),也就是國際半導體產業協會的統計資料顯示,全球半導體設備採購金額從2011年到2017年之間,年採購最低金額約為320億美元,2017年來到歷史高點的559億美元。在如此龐大的商機市場裡可以成為領域裡的龍頭廠商,必定有其值得學習的獨到之處。 台灣是全球的半導體聚落重鎮,卻缺少晉身成為國際大廠行列的相關設備業者。本研究之對象即為半導體設備的領導廠商,針對他們過去的策略行為進行分析,並且探討出未來產業的潛在趨勢以及現象,更進ㄧ歩思考與建議台灣業者的未來營運核心方向與可能的發展機會。 研究結果可以得知: (ㄧ) 資金與技術,仍是左右半導體產業走向的最重要因素,缺一不可。無論公司規模多大,技術本質的專注與持續創新,絕對是半導體設備商經營的最重要核心。 (二) 經由分析不同區塊的設備龍頭廠商可以發現,無論在全球或是台灣,半導體設備商追求成長的經營趨勢上,將朝向策略結盟與併購整合的做法。同業或異業在技術合作或資源共享方面的策略將更廣泛被採用。 (三) 產業龍頭廠商,初期必定聚焦有別於對手的競爭策略優勢,來建立出獨特的客戶關係。後續,必須持續舊有的優勢策略,並且更大膽地採取創新的做法來進一步強化與客戶間的連結,同步擴大市占率。


Semiconductor industry is the development foundation for many industries, its globalization, is obviously existed either at upstream or downstream firms. The operation strategies must include global visions as well. The global semiconductor equipment manufacturers supply the key chain to support entire industry moving forward. The core strategies of the major equipment manufacturers not only affect the future industry and market trends, but also reveal the potential business opportunities in coming future. According to the data from Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI). From 2011 to 2017, the total sales of semiconductor equipment in global, the lowest annual sales number is about 32 billion USD and the highest-level reach to 55.9 billion USD as high point of history. The industry leaders must have their own unique strengths, which are worth for us to learn, in such a huge business market. Taiwan is one of the important global semiconductor clusters, but only very few equipment manufacturers ever stepped into the international ranking. The purpose for this thesis is to analyze strategic behaviors between those international manufacturing leader companies, to explore the potential trends and phenomena. We should consider and recommend step further advices to Taiwan local related companies regarding to future’s potential operation core values and opportunities. The research results are shown as follows: (A) Capital and technology, are still the most important factors affect develop-ment of the semiconductor industry, both are indispensable. Regardless of size of the company, the focused continuous innovation of the technical essence is definitely the most important core for the semiconductor equipment manufacturers. (B) By through the analysis of leading equipment vendors at different fields, whether in the global or Taiwan, can find that equipment manufacturers are seeking to grow via moving toward strategic alliance and acquisition integration. Strategies for technical cooperation or resource sharing will be adopted more widely. (C) Be an industry leader, the way to build up specific customer relationship at company initial growth stage must to be focused on certain strengths of competitive strategies differ to competitors, and must maintain the strengths to be consistent. Further approaches to strengthen the connection to customers, must adopt innovative strategies to establish, simultaneously the market share growing.


葉錦清,高科技設備業新亮點--艾斯摩爾(ASML),台灣區電機電子工業同業公會,資料來源: http://www.teema.org.tw/industry-information-detail.aspx?infoid=5646,搜尋日期:106年9月。
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