  • 學位論文


The Decomposite T2 -Test Under Large Dimension

指導教授 : 陳志榮 洪慧念


在此篇文章中,將 Ledoit and Wolf 所提出在旋轉不變性下得到的最佳共變異數反矩陣估計值,在高維度設定下,處理假設檢定問題。當資料維度很大時,吾人稱此檢定統計量類型為複合式T檢定統計量。一併將探討此檢定統計量在有範圍限制下的對立假設下,其近似分配以及近似檢定力。由模擬結果、與過往文獻中提到的近似檢定力函數做比較,以及將此檢定統計量套用於實際臺北捷運資料,做不同重抽方法下的無母數檢定分析,可以看到使用此檢定統計量能得到較佳檢定力的優點。


In this paper, an asymptotically optimal rotation-equivariant estimator of the inverse of the population covariance from decision theoretical point of view proposed by Ledoit and Wolf is incorporated to construct the T^2 type test statistics. When the dimension is large, we call such T^2 type test statistics the decomposite T^2-test in this paper. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic under sequence of local alternatives is studied. Simulation studies and a real data analysis are presented to show the merits of the proposed test statistic.


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