  • 學位論文

光纖設備軟體導入端對端自動化測試 - 以A公司為例

Adoption of end-to-end automated testing for software of fiber optical equipment -Taking company A as an example

指導教授 : 李永銘


隨著雲端計算架構的演進,各式各樣的網路平台、多媒體影音、雲端運算等服務出現,人們對於網路的頻寬需求是越來越迫切,在業者們與地方政府密切的合作下,光通訊產品開始受到消費者們的重視。 光通訊較上一個世代的銅纜線路(ADSL & VDSL)有著更高傳輸速率、重量輕、保密性佳、訊號可傳遞距離更長、不受電磁干擾等優勢。在電信企業邁向下一世代產品的同時,舊有的開發、測試流程也能藉此機會重新審視,將過去未能及時改善的問題進一步修正,使得開發流程更加順利有效,產品更加穩定。 本次論文將以軟體測試團隊的角度,去審視案例A公司其光通訊產品OLT(Optical Line Terminal)與ONU(Optical Network Unit)在自動化測試導入的困境。經由分析後重新定義測試團隊於整體軟體開發流程定位,提早介入整個開發流程來解決測試時程中斷或延期,測試團隊因此被壓縮時間而無法保證軟體品質的通病。另外加強自動化測試平台的功能範圍,主要為增加測試項目覆蓋率以及有效降低測試團隊分析問題的所需時間。最終利用IVPRC模型分析現有自動化測試所帶來的實質效益。


With the evolution of cloud computing architecture, a variety of network platforms, web videos, and cloud computing services have emerged. People's demand for network bandwidth is becoming more and more urgent. With the tight cooperation between industries and local government, optical communication products will increasingly attract more consumers’ attention. Optical communication has the advantages of higher transmission rate, lighter weight, better confidentiality, longer signal transmission distance, and no electromagnetic interference compared with the previous generation copper cables (ADSL & VDSL). While the enterprise is moving towards the next generation of products, we can also take this opportunity to re-examine and further improve the old development process and testing process that have not been completed in time in the past so as to make the development process smoother and more effective, and the products more stable. From the perspective of the software testing team, this research will go through and discover the difficulty of Case A's optical communication products OLT (Optical Line Terminal) and ONU (Optical Network Unit) during the adoption of automated test. After analysis, we redefine the positioning of the test team in the overall software development process. By intervening in the entire development process early, we can solve the interruption or delay of the test schedule which is the main reason that cause the test team to be under time-compressed situation and unable to guarantee the quality of the software. Furthermore, the functional scope of the automated test platform is strengthened, which can increase test plan coverage and effectively reduce the time required for the test team to analyze problems. Finally, the IVPRC model is used to analyze the substantial benefits brought by the new adoption of automated testing.


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