  • 學位論文


Applying the Theory of Hierarchical Driving Behavior to Explore the Effect of Motorcycle Driving Experience on Motorcycle Driving Behavior

指導教授 : 張新立


本研究利用Keskinen (1996)延伸Michon(1989)而提出之駕駛行為階層理論,透過文獻蒐集並建立一套能涵蓋駕駛行為階層理論中各階層重要概念的量表,並以新竹市827 位18~30歲之年輕機車駕駛人進行研究,實際驗證駕駛行為階層理論中各階層間之關係。研究結果顯示,利他主義是整個駕駛行為架構中最具影響效果的構面。本研究進一步利用機車駕照持有年資及騎乘機車頻率進行分群並分析駕駛經驗多寡對各階層構面的影響,發現各構面之表現均會隨駕駛經驗的累積而有所改善,惟成長的幅度會因不同的構面而有些微之差異,此項差異隱含著機車安全駕駛教育應依各構面能力之發展特性而有完善的教學內容規劃與設計。本研究初探我國機車駕駛行為階層架構並了解駕駛經驗對各階層構面的影響效果,本研究所獲得之成果可供政府主管機關擬定機車考照制度、規劃駕訓班訓練課程、設計學校交通安全教育及宣導方向時參酌使用。


Based on the conceptual framework established by Michon (1989), Keskinen (1996) proposed a four-level theory of hierarchical driving behavior. This study developed a set of measuring scales that include the constructs for the four hierarchies of motorcycle riding behavior and can be used to verify the effects among different hierarchies to support the theory of hierarchical motorcycle riding behavior. Samples of 827 motorcycle drivers between 18 to 30 years old in Hsin Chu city were collected to verify the effects between various constructs in the conceptual framework of hierarchical motorcycle driving behavior. Among all, the altruistic construct is the most influential construct in the framework. In addition, the motorcyclists were classified into different groups by their holding durations of motorcycle driver license and riding frequencies and analyzed the effect of driving experience on hierarchical motorcycle riding behavior’s constructs. The study results show that riding experience will improve the performance of every construct, but somewhat differences of effect happened on different constructs. The results of this study could be used as a reference for government authorities when they are planning the driver licensing policy and designing the driver education and training program.


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