  • 期刊


Applying the Theory of Hierarchical Driving Behavior to Explore the Driving Behavior of Motor Coach Drivers




Based on the conceptual framework established by Michon (1989), Keskinen (1996) proposed a four-level hierarchical model to describe driving behavior and argued that vehicle maneuvering is only one of the missions for driving behavior. The goals and contents of a driver play an essential role to affect driving performance. The hierarchical model connects driving performance to the goals and contents of a trip and even to driver's life and personal characteristics. This study was conducted to develop a measuring scale that includes the constructs for the four hierarchies of driving behavior and can be used to verify the relationships among different hierarchies to support the theory of hierarchical driving behavior. Due to the higher traffic accident risk for bus operation in Taiwan, 313 motor coach drivers randomly selected from three different bus companies were used for the empirical study of this research in order to verify the affecting factors behind their driving behaviors. The study results verified the relationships among the four hierarchies of driving behavior. The multiple regression analysis also showed that bus drivers' inappropriate driving behavior was significantly negatively affected by driving skills, decision making and personal value, in the decreasing order of its degree of influence. The study results not only bring the insights that driving behavior is truly affected by many factors with hierarchical concept, but also provide the guidance to design the curriculum of driver education. Furthermore, the framework of the goal of driver education established by European Union and the hierarchical theory of driving behavior are suggested to be referenced when the curriculum of driving education is designed.


內政部警政署(2012)。100 年警政工作年報
