  • 學位論文


New tectonics:Design and Prototyping of a Exoskeleton Free Form Structure and its Components

指導教授 : 侯君昊


電腦輔助設計(CAD)與電腦輔助製造(CAM)技術解放了建築設計與製造之侷限性,使設計者便於創作更加自由豐富之自由形體,於現今實質案例中,自由形體建造多數採用組合皮層與骨架之建構方式;而以皮層即是骨架之外骨骼(Exoskeleton)構造為概念,採用單元構件建構自由形體之案例多數為實驗階段物件,其所施作之自由形體製造流程亦不成熟。 有鑑於此,於自由形體數位設計與施作過程中,該如何設計外骨骼構造之單元構件原型?而外骨骼構造之自由形體係如何被建造?又如何以參數化方式建構自由形體,並減少軟體操作繁雜之問題? 本研究試圖藉由案例分析探討外骨骼構造之構成方式與材料應用原理,以操作參數式設計與實體化製造,建構單元構件原型,進而發展外骨骼構造之初步自由形體設計與製造流程。而本文數位製造方法可分為二個階段:階段一為依單元構件之概念建立外骨骼構造之原型,並建置參數化系統;階段二即進而提出外骨骼構造之初步自由形體設計與製造流程。


This paper is a presentation of the preliminary process of the exoskeleton free form design and fabrication. Today, the digital technology applied in the architecture field is everywhere. However, there are still lots free form architecture uncompleted and remained on the paper architecture or only the digital visual simulated model. Until now, most of the finished free form cases are constructed of the surface and frame. The complete exoskeleton free form cases which are consisted of components are fewer and the process remains untold. Based on parametric environments, how might you design a component of exoskeletons’ free form? How could you fabricate a exoskeletons’ free form? This paper is trying to analysis and discusses the composition of exoskeleton structure and material application theorem. Such analysis will be divided into two steps. First, explore the composition of the exoskeleton structure and material application theorem by case study; therefore establish a prototype of the exoskeleton free form by parametric design and physical fabrication. Second, integrate preliminary process of the exoskeleton free form design and fabrication.


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