  • 學位論文


The Study on Customer Preference on Facebook Fan page Permotion Strategy–The Case of Students of National Chiao Tung University

指導教授 : 陳光華 姜 齊


Facebook的興起帶動社群網站的使用潮流,也讓Facebook粉絲專頁成為新的行銷與促銷手法。本研究使用生活型態為區隔,輔以人口統計變數與Facebook使用行為描繪使用者特性,探討不同集群的使用者對Facebook粉絲專頁中不同促銷手法之偏好是否有差異。 本研究以國立交通大學學生為對象,利用網路問卷調查法,共蒐集487份有效問卷,使用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、集群分析,以及卡方檢定等方式進行統計分析。本研究結果如下: (1)不同集群使用者對不同Facebook粉絲專頁促銷手法偏好有顯著差異。 (2)所有集群對贈送試用品的偏好程度皆為最高,其次為折價。 (3)所有集群對競賽活動的偏好皆為最低,其次為抽獎活動。 (4)針對以上結果,建議業者對不同集群使用者使用不同促銷手法: 自主居家型:方便的宅配服務,而不見得是促銷活動。 愛好新品型:喜歡促銷活動,但粉絲專頁並不是最有效的促銷管道。 品牌衝動型:對促銷活動接受程度高,且加入粉絲專頁的比例最高,適合透過粉 絲專頁上舉辦活動來接觸此類型使用者。


The rise of Facebook not only brings the trend of using social network, but also makes Facebook Fan Page a new way of marketing. By dividing Facebook users into different groups base on lifestyle and using demographics and Facebook user behavior to describe their trait, this study discusses whether diverse Facebook user groups have different preference to different promotion methods of Facebook Fan Page. This study aims at students of National Chiao Tung University, using web-based survey as means of survey, and collected 487 valid questionnaires. The analysis methodologies included Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Analysis, t Test, One-Way ANOVA, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Chi-Square Test. Research results are: (1)There are significant differences of preference to different promotion method of different user group. (2)All the groups prefer giving samples the most, discount the second. (3)All the groups like contests/games last, draw/lottery second. (4)Recommend promotion methods to different user groups: Self-consious: Convenient home delivery. New product lover: Promotion, but not on Facebook Fan Pages. Brand- impulse: Promotions and activities on Facebook Fan Pages.


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