  • 學位論文


A Study on Online Reading Test in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯皓仁 黃明居


線上閱讀認證系統讓教師可以自由建置書目資料庫及認證題庫,老師將適合學生閱讀的書籍推薦上網,並自己設計題目,讓學生測試閱讀情形,本研究旨在探討台灣地區線上閱讀認證之推廣情況包含推動原因、現況、推動方法、推動成功與困難因素,以及推動線上閱讀認證所帶來的影響。 本研究透過半結構是深度訪談進行資料蒐集,訪談14位受訪者。研究發現:(1)系統來源包含配合政府推廣計畫、自行開發系統推動認證與使用其他單位已開發運作之系統三種情形;(2)系統功能以諮詢服務信箱、個人認證紀錄、統計功能為基本;(3)推動閱讀認證方式以發給閱讀護照、閱讀證書、獎狀、進階標章機制、排行榜統計以及舉辦推廣活動為主要方法;(4)書目決定者以教師為主;(5)出題者以教師為主;(6)教師支持為推動線上閱讀認證主要成功因素;(7)升學壓力及教師課程進度壓力為推動線上閱讀認證主要困難因素;(8)對學校的主要影響為提高圖書館借閱率、提升閱讀風氣、輔助教師教學及有助活動推廣。;(9)對教師的主要影響為鼓勵學生閱讀、追蹤學生閱讀進度、配合教學活動及依照學生等級指定閱讀書目。;(10)對家長的主要影響為增加親子互動及瞭解閱讀教育。;(11)對學生的主要影響為對圖書館的認識、增加閱讀成就、提升閱讀喜好及提高成績表現。;(12)年齡層越小越需要圖書分級制度。 根據研究發現,本研究提出以下建議:共享系統資源,創造更大利益;建立書目題庫中心;落實圖書依難易度分級;建立學生閱讀分級制度。


Through online reading tests, teachers are able to construct bibliographic information and question databases. This system allows teachers to recommend appropriate books for students and design questionnaires to test their reading ability on Internet. The purpose of this study is to exam the use of online reading tests in Taiwan including use status, promotional methods, successful and failure factors and the influences of online reading test certification. By using semi-structured in-depth interviews this study collected and analyze the findings from fourteen interviewees. The findings are: there are three major online reading test systems in Taiwan: a system promoted by government, a self-developed system to promote its own reading ability authentication and a system totally transplanted from the others; (2) the basic system functions are: service and enquiry mail box, personal certicational record and statistical data; (3) the principle methods to promote reading authentication are reading passport, reading certification, award, advanced emblematic mechanism, the rank of best reader and promotion activities; (4) the book lists are decided by teachers mainly; (5) questionnaires are designed by teachers mainly; (6) the main successful factor to promote on-line reading authentication is teacher’s support; (7) the major difficult factors to promote on-line reading authentication are the pressures for entering higher academic achievement and education and the pressure for teachers to catch up the scheduled teaching course; (8) the main affect to school is to help library increase borrowing rate, change reading habits, assist teaching and promote activities; (9) the main affect to teachers is to encourage students to read, track students’ reading progress, help teacher’s teaching activities and guide students to read assigned books by their reading levels; (10) the main affect to parents is to help more parent-child interaction and understand the reading education; (11) the main affect to students is to learn more about libraries, increase more reading achievements and academic records; (12) the more younger readers are, the more needful reading level systems are. According to the current findings, the present study suggests the followings: share the same system resources collectively to create the maximum benefits; build up a book list and questionnaire database center; implement the book categorization by reading levels; and build up students’ reading level.


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