  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳


本論文是想透過對保全人員內心認知的工作價值觀做調查,來瞭解「工作價值觀」對「工作績效」之影響。研究的主要目的欲了解個人變項對工作績效是否有顯著的影響;其次,探討工作價值觀與工作績效是否有顯著相關;探討保全業「人力資源管理措施」與員工工作績效間之關係是否有顯著的關係均在本研究中探討。研究成果亦將提陳建議,供保全業界做為協助人力資源管理工作中,有關招募、訓練、績效考核及人員留任等作業更有具體成效之參考。 本研究是以問卷調查方式,採用吳鐵雄等人所編訂之「工作價值觀量表」、參考保全人員工作之性質而設計的「人力資源管理措施量表」、採用林庭光設計之「工作績效量表」等問卷為工具,選取衛豐保全公司北部地區之保全人員為研究對象,以便利抽樣的方式進行問卷調查 ,總共發出300 份問卷,回收244,扣除無效問卷8 份,實得有效問卷236份。資料分析係利用SPSS統計軟體進行整理、登錄及分析。所採用的統計方法包括敘述性統計─平均值、標準差、百分比等,以分析樣本結構、因素分析解釋共同因素之內涵、信度分析以測量量表研究的結果是否具有一致性或穩定性的程度、相關分析來檢定工作價值觀各個構面、人力資源管理措施的認知及工作績效之間的相關程度、迴歸分析判斷整體關係是否具有統計上的顯著性,再解釋準則變數的變異方面等。 研究分析結果顯示不同個人背景變項之員工,在工作績效上有顯著差異。工作價值觀與工作績效則具有部分顯著相關。另外人力資源管理措施與工作績效也具有部分顯著相關。 根據本研究結果對保全業界提陳下列建議(1)以工作價值觀作為招募與甄選的輔助工具。(2)發展保全人員團體互助的人際關係能力。(3)營造人性化管理的工作環境。(4)正確工作價值觀輔導及推廣(5)強化工作經驗傳承及諮詢協助(6)專業性證照制度及專業幹部培育


This research aims to understand the influence of work values on job efficiency through an investigation on the cognitive recognition of work values on private security guards. The main purpose of the research is to understand if personal variables will have a tremendous effect on job performance, and secondly to explore if work values are related to job performance. This paper will also study if the human resource management practices in the private security guard industry have a noticeable relationship in the job performance of the employees. The research will also suggest and provide various effective references to accessible for the private security guard industry to use in the recruitment, training, and performance evaluation of employees. This research uses the work value scale developed by Tei-Xiung Wu, cross referenced with the human resource management scale developed for private security guards and the job performance scale designed by Ting-Kwan Lin as reference tools. The research chooses Wei Fon security company’s private security guards in the north area as subjects for random question airing. A total of 300 questionnaires were given out, and 244 copies were returned, 8 copies were declared ineffective, received 236 usable questionnaires. A SPSS statistic system was used to compile record and analyze the data retrieved. The analysis methods used includes descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, percentage, to analysis the structure of the data. The factor analysis was used to explain the connotation of the common factor, and trust analysis is used to make sure the result of the research contained a consistency of stability. The relative analysis is used to recognize the different factors of work values, and the relationships between the cognitive recognition of human resource management practices and the job performance. Lastly, regression analysis is used to determine if the whole relationship shows from a statistical point of view, and then to explain variables in criterion variable. The data analysis reveals that the different background variables on different employees will affect their job performance. A certain relationship between work values and job performance is also displayed. Lastly, the human resource management practices and job performance also shows a certain linkage. Based on this research outcome, below suggestions are given to the private security guard industry: 1. Use work value as the reference tool for recruitment and selecting employees. 2. Develop the group help and personal interact relationship among private security guard society. 3. Create a user friendly management working environment. 4. Promotion and counsel the correct work values. 5. Emphasize the passing of work experience and provide counseling help. 6. Develop the system of performance certificates and the education of professional management.


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