  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Customer Values and Switching Costs on Customer Loyalty of Online Auction Websites-An Empirical Study

指導教授 : 李小梅


台灣的網路購物市場在網路應用日趨普及、電子購物流程與介面的持續改善下,有越來越多的網路使用者陸續成為該市場的消費者。根據資策會的研究調查顯示,2004台灣網路購物市場規模為389億新台幣,相較於2003年之下,其成長幅度高達61%,2005年時交易金額更是直逼600億大關,預估2006年市場規模將可望突破新台幣900億元。電子商務交易的熱絡,除了網路購物外,網路拍賣這項應用在其中扮演著不可或缺的要角。自Yahoo!奇摩與eBay的『蟠龍花瓶』宣傳戰以來,國內拍賣網站已是兩強鼎立的局面,其中的潛在商機,由此可見一斑。在此之際,拍賣平台業者如何吸引買氣,並提升忠誠顧客之數量將是平台經營者決戰的關鍵。因此,若能針對影響拍賣網站忠誠度之因子進行深入探討,其研究結果將對拍賣平台經營者在管理實務上有所助益。 本研究主要以Augustin and Singh(2005)的模型為基礎,加入信任這項變數,檢視其透過顧客價值及顧客滿意度對於網站忠誠度所產生的影響;此外,究竟轉換成本的高低在衡量網站忠誠度方面所扮演的角色為何,也是本研究的重點議題之一;最後,本研究更進一步探討e-服務品質對於顧客滿意度及信任之間關係的影響。綜合以上變數,形成本研究之概念性模型,以期釐清不同因子對於顧客忠誠度之影響,希望能藉此研究結果提供拍賣平台業者未來行銷策略制定之參考。 本研究針對曾經採用過Yahoo!奇摩拍賣或ebay台灣之實際使用者為研究對象,透過網路問卷為媒介,共回收369份問卷,有效問卷計有337份,使用AMOS 5.0進行結構方程式模型驗證,所得到路徑分析的實證結果如下: 1. 『轉換成本』與『顧客價值』,對於消費者的『顧客忠誠度』具有正向影響,其解釋變異甚至大過『顧客滿意度』對『顧客忠誠度』之影響力。 2. 『顧客價值』與『e-服務品質』,對於消費者的『顧客滿意度』具有正向影響。 3. 『e-服務品質』對於消費者的『信任』程度具有正向影響。 4. 『e-服務品質』對於消費者的『顧客滿意度』之直接影響遠大於『e-服務品質』透過『信任』對『顧客滿意度』之中介影響。


The number of internet users has increased with the popularity of internet applications and E-commerce. The Online shopping market made a profit of 60 billion NT dollars in 2005, which accounts for almost 50% growth compared to year 2004. Besides online shopping, online auctions also played a vital role in EC settings. The intensive competition aroused between Yahoo and eBay marks their leading position in the online auction market. The main purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing online customer loyalty. According to the past research, satisfaction, customer value and switching costs have a direct and positive effect on loyalty. This study also put emphasis on e-service quality dimensions and trust which are often discussed in online settings as well. Online surveys are used to collect data from actual users of Yahoo or eBay, who may have played different roles in terms of vendor or buyers. From the data collected, 337 samples were used for analysis. The results show that in addition to satisfaction, customer value and switching cost have a direct and positive impact on loyalty as well, and explain even more variance than satisfaction. Trust and e-quality are also important factors influencing satisfaction and customer value respectively.


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