  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林明杰


隨著代工製造的利潤日趨微薄,往昔台灣企業賴以生存之降低成本能力,已逐漸無法為其帶來持續的成長,近年來,愈來愈多的企業尋求轉型發展自有品牌,而政府部門亦透過相關組織與各項計畫,積極推動並予以協助輔導,期望藉由自有品牌的建立來創造企業差異化優勢,並進而提升產品的附加價值。 綜觀過去學者研究可以發現,品牌形象與產品設計不但均為企業獲得差異化競爭優勢之主要工具,且兩者的關係亦存在著極為緊密之鏈結。企業透過塑造明確之品牌形象與競爭者形成有效區隔,並進而取得目標顧客的認同,而產品設計即扮演著品牌與消費者溝通之主要媒介與工具,透過具體的產品設計將抽象的品牌形象清晰傳達,讓品牌與產品均在消費者心目中留存無法替代之價值。 隨著學者與實務界對於品牌與設計相關議題的日趨重視,本研究即針對獲得台灣精品獎與國家產品形象獎之廠商進行研究,結合品牌形象與產品設計兩項因素,探討其對於新產品開發績效之影響。本研究以問卷方式進行實證分析,總計發放600份問卷,共回收有效問卷108份,有效問卷回收率為18%,研究分析結果如下所述: 1.產品設計對於新產品開發績效具有顯著正向的影響, 即愈重視產品設計的廠商,其所獲得之新產品開發績 效愈高。 2.企業訴求不同的品牌形象會著重不同的產品設計重 點。訴求功能性品牌形象之企業,顯著較為重視產品 之工程設計;而訴求知覺性品牌形象之企業,則顯著 較為重視產品之外觀與形象設計。 3.不同品牌形象與產品設計搭配,對於新產品開發績效 具有影響。訴求功能性品牌形象之企業,採取工程導 向的產品設計,會獲得比採取美學導向者更佳之新產 品開發績效;而訴求知覺性品牌形象之企業,則無法 僅依靠採取美學導向的產品設計,即獲得較佳之新產 品開發績效。


As the profit of OEM decreases gradually, the cost-down ability of Taiwanese companies can not bring the growth continuously. In recent years, more and more companies try to develop their own brand, and the government also assists them through related organizations and projects. Companies want to create differential advantage through establishing their own brands, and then improve added value of products. According to the literature review, brand image and product design are not only the main tool to obtain the differential advantage, but also have a much closed relationship. Companies distinguish themselves from the other competitors by establishing the clear brand image, and product design plays an important medium to convey the brand image specifically. This research studies the companies that obtain the Taiwanese Symbol of Excellence and National Awards of Excellence with the survey of questionnaires. I combine the two important factors: brand image and product design, and probe into their influence on new product development performance. 600 copies of questionnaire were issued, while 121 copies were returned and 108 copies were effective. The main important results of this research are mentioned below: 1.Product design has positive influence on new product development performance. This means when companies put more emphasis on their product design, they get higher new product development performance. 2.When companies convey different brand images, they emphasize the different key points of product design. Companies that convey the functional brand image put more emphasis on the design of engineering; companies that convey the sensory brand image put more emphasis on the design of appearance and symbol. 3.The collocation of brand image and product design has influence on new product development performance. When companies convey the functional brand image, taking the design of engineering brings higher new product development performance than taking the design of aesthetics; nevertheless, when companies convey the sensory brand image, they can not get higher new product development performance through taking the design of aesthetics merely.


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