  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林文政


就組織利益的角度而言,員工投入(employee engagement)對員工績效、離職率等方面有明顯的影響(Gallop機構; Hewitt公司; CLC; DDI; Harter, Schmidt, Hayes, 2002等研究),對員工而言,亦可藉由投入,讓他們在工作中找到自我與工作滿足感,因此「投入」不管對組織或員工而言都是ㄧ個重要的議題。 本篇論文主要包含兩個部份,第一個部分是建立員工投入的量表,除了整合多位學者與機構之研究外,本研究亦實際訪問員工投入之標竿企業,以期望能兼顧理論與實務之作法,進而使本研究之量表更貼近實際需求。而在企業的選擇上,以獲得Hewitt公司之台灣最佳雇主為優先考量,其次是尋找台灣人力資源之標竿企業,ㄧ共訪談六位HR高階主管與七位非HR之員工。在量表建置方面,本研究以Hewitt公司之六大構面為主要架構,在進行探索性因素分析後,幾乎驗證了Hewitt公司對於員工投入之分類方式,最後的構面則包含:工作特性、和主管之關係、和同事之關係、升遷與表揚機會、工作與家庭平衡、程序、薪酬。 本論文的第二部分即是根據上述所建立的員工投入量表繼續進行員工投入、組織承諾以及工作績效因果模型之研究,而在研究對象的選取上則不限定產業別、位階或部門之員工,此外,為了樣本的廣度,每一間公司的樣本數都儘量以5人為限,以確保資料不會受到單一公司之影響而產生偏誤,此部份共計回收323份有效問卷。而在因果模型方面,本研究進一步將情感性組織承諾分為積極的「組織投入」與消極的「組織忠誠」,結果發現「工作特性」、「與主管之關係」、「工作與家庭平衡」、「程序」與「薪酬」對組織投入有正向關係;在消極的組織忠誠方面,惟「薪酬」對其有顯著影響,根據此結果,員工投入的驅動因子似乎和積極的組織投入較有明顯的正向關係,而對於消極的組織忠誠的影響較不顯著。此外,就情感性承諾對結果變項的研究發現,消極的組織忠誠和工作績效有顯著的正向關係,然而積極的組織投入對工作績效的關係卻未達顯著水準;而在離職意圖方面,不管是積極的組織投入或是消極的組織忠誠,和離職意圖都有顯著的負向關係。


This study has two major purposes. One is to establish employee engagement scale. In order to combine the theories and practices, this paper not only integrates many research about engagement but also contains interviews of the best practices of employee engagement. This research is based on Hewitt’s highly employee engagement model. After processing the exploratory factor analysis, there were 44 employee engagement drives in seven domains (work, relationship with managers, relationship with coworkers, career and recognition opportunities, work/life balance, procedures and compensation) were identified. The other purpose is to use the scale which is made by this research and determine the relationship between employee engagement, organization commitment, and employee’s performance. The data of the study was collected from full-time employees in all kinds of organizations in Taiwan. Finally, there are 323 effective samples. This paper divided affective commitment into active and passive:organizational engagement and organizational loyalty. Comparing to organizational loyalty, the employee engagement drivers have stronger influences on organizational engagement. According to the result, the positive relationship between organizational loyalty and job performance is significance. But the relationship does not exist between organizational engagement and job performance. In terms of turnover intention, two affective commitment factors both have significant relationships with it.


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黃淑玲(2011)。以4P策略建構雇主品牌: 以W公司為個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10633
