  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭裕勤


資訊科技的適當運用與導入,不僅可以改進政府的行政效率,避免公帑的浪費,更能夠提升全體國民的福祉,面對資訊科技的蓬勃發展,政府對於如何運用資訊科技以改善現有的行政流程,或是整合既有的資訊系統,使科技成為政府業務執行及全民日常生活的便利好幫手,已成為政府積極努力的目標。 本研究以本國自然人處分其本人所擁有之私有土地、建物買賣登記進行研究。試探倘以網路申辦服務模式取代現有委託地政士或親自至各地政事務所辦理買賣登記模式,將與現行法規發生何種的牴觸,於技術層面上如何克服諸多檢附文件及身份認證的要求,如何協助地政服務人員克服與因應此一服務模式的轉變並確保民眾財產的安全與健全的稽核制度。 研究歸納分析顯示,推展網路申辦土地、建物買賣登記業務是否能夠達到事半功倍的功效,除了法規命令的修正、資訊科技導入與行政權責明確之外,該項業務是否融入現有地政服務人員日常習慣與流程並善用傳播管道進行民眾信心的培養與觀念的轉變,將是該項業務成功與否的根本要素。


The utilization and induction of information technology is to improve the efficiency of government administrations, avoid the waste of public assets, and therefore to promote the well-being of the public. Facing continuous challenges, government has to work on using information technology to further improve the current administrative efficiency. The task is to integrate the existing systems to carry out services for government and to provide a more convenient daily life for the public. Taiwan government is currently working hard towards this goal. The subject is about the processes of registration and transferring of private property ownership. This is to probe if online application services could replace the existing land administration representatives or agents and the personal registration services at various administration offices. We are also exploring whether it is feasible with the present laws and regulations, how to technically process the overwhelming amount of attached documents and the authentication of the online requests, how to assist land administration staff to implement and handle such service transformation. The objective is to ensure a safe post-inspection system of such public’s property. This case study is looking for critical factors if we are going to promote the application of online land and house registration. Besides, we also examined the revision of laws and regulations order, the induction of information technology, the definition of administration responsibility. These innovative operations can be integrated into the current administration workflow and media channels could be used to encourage this new concept. This will also contribute to the success of this project.


1.Everett M. Rogers (1988), Social Change in Rural Societies: An Introduction to Rural Sociology, Prentice Hall College Div.
2.Everett M. Rogers (1995), Diffusion of Innovations, Fourth Edition, Free Press.
