  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林子銘


員工離職管理和組織公民行為是企業管理中的一項重要內容,那麼研究員工離職意願形成和組織公民行為產生的影響因素,將有利於企業的人力資源管理策略的發展,因此這也將成為本論文主要關注的內容和目的,本論文通過在A公司中國製造總部發放498份問卷進行調查,答題率低於80%被判定無效外,最後共回收有效問卷414份,有效答題率為83.1%,統計工具包括描述性統計與回歸分析。 本論文依據社會網路的分析方法探討在不同社會網路位置的大陸臺灣企業員工對離職意願的知覺有何不同,籍此說明哪一種結構位置是易於產生離職意願,且對組織公民行為的影響因素研究,並整合到同一個研究架構,研究不同的因素對組織公民行為的影響。 研究結果: 各項因素分別對於離職意願、組織公民行為都有一定的影響:其中組織承諾和組織信任對離職意願和組織公民行為皆呈顯著相關性;此外工作滿足、特殊信任和網路仲介性對離職意願呈顯著相關性,與此同時政策公平對組織公民行為產生呈顯著相關性。其他因素對離職意願和組織公民行為產生呈非顯著相關性,但這些因素對離職意願和組織公民行為的影響亦不可忽略。


The management of turn-over and organizational citizen behavior of employee are important issues of organization management. It is beneficial for the development of human resource management strategy to explore the determinants of turn-over intention and organizational citizen behavior of employee. So this study focuses on it and takes it as the research purpose. An investigation was conducted by 498 questionnaires in the production headquarters of A company in China. 414 questionnaires are valid except those whose answer rate is under 80%. The reclaiming rate is 83.1%. The study uses descriptive statistics and regression as the statistical tools. In the analysis way of social network, this study explores the differences of turn-over intention perception of employees on different positions in a social network of a Taiwan company in the Mainland. So the position in the network which is inclined to cause turn-over intention will be clarified. This study also explores the determinants of organizational citizen behavior, merge it to the same research structure and explore the impact of different determinants on organizational citizen behavior. Conclusion: Each determinant has impacts on turn-over intention and organizational citizen behavior. Organizational commitment and organizational trust are both significantly related to turn-over intention and organizational citizen behavior. In addition, job satisfaction, special trust and network medium are significantly related to turn-over intention. Policy justice has significant influence on organizational citizen behavior. Other determinants are not significantly related to turn-over intention and organizational citizen behavior, but their impacts can not be ignored.


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