  • 學位論文


Allocation of Group Seat Inventory Control of Travel Agent

指導教授 : 陳振明


自2001年台灣進入WTO以來,世界具有競爭優勢的產品或服務皆可自由進出,不光是台灣內部的競爭,旅行業也面臨到了全球化的壓力。在全球化的潮流下,除增加服務品質、產品創新外,提高營運效率及獲利能力,也可以是旅行業維持市場競爭力的一大要件。自美國航空公司利用營收管理成功提高營收後,營收管理對航空業已是一項十分普及的技術。有鑑於此,旅行業如妥善運用機位分配的技巧,建立一個良好的團體機位營收管理機制,可將有限的資源妥善利用,來增加旅行業的總收益。 本研究冀望以航空業發展成熟的營收管理理論為基礎,探討旅行業團體機位的營運特性及背景,發展一套可應用於旅行業的營運管理決策及營運模式。 依據兩家個案公司的實際營運與作業資料,本研究對模式進行實例的探討及延伸發展出旅行業團體機位的服務藍圖。旅行業透過內部營收管理架構可改善目前人工決策的不定性,以及規劃完善的服務流程,來提升服務品質及客戶滿意程度。


服務藍圖 營收管理 旅行業


Since Taiwan has become a WTO member from 2001, under globalization trend, travel agencies have faced not only internal competitions, but also all competitively products and services around the world which are freely incoming and outgoing the market. Besides to move up service quality and to create new products, promoting business performance and profit is a condition to promote competitiveness. Since American Airlines successfully applied revenue management to raise its profit, revenue management has become a common technique in airline industry. Therefore, this study is aiming to apply the revenue management concept to travel industry group seat inventory, travel agencies can fully utilize the limited seat resource to increase the revenue. By study the revenue management characteristics of airline industry, to recognize travel industry group seat inventory is characterized by perishability, fixed capacity, highly segmentable market, fluctuating demand, and have to sold products in advance, and to develop a business model of travel industry. According refer to two travel agencies’ group seat inventory data, this study proceed practices discussion and to develop a Service Blueprint of group seat reservation process. Travel agencies can avoid missing by uncertainty strategic decisions of man-made by revenue management, and to develop an integrity service process to promote service quality and customers’ satisfaction.


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