  • 學位論文

以符號消費探究個性化商品銷售成功因素 - 以LOMO攝像產品為例

Identifying Leading Determinants for Successful Selling of Characteristic Products in Markets dominated by Symbolic Consumption –A Case Study of LOMO Cameras

指導教授 : 洪德俊


在今日生產力暴增、供過於求的消費社會中,商品都有兩種價值─「使用價值」和「符號價值」。「使用價值」指的是「功能」之滿足,而「符號價值」指的是商品形象、個性、精神意涵…等組合所帶來的認同經驗。隨著全球商品的供過於求,靠「使用價值」來販賣商品,售價只能越來越低,但靠「符號價值」來行銷的商品,卻能以其「意義」的稀有性,創造較高的售價。現在的消費者,也已經不再只迫於需要或只因必要而消費了;主宰消費與否的因素,也從「好不好」變成了「喜不喜歡」,至此,符號的價值掩埋了使用的價值。這是一個「飽食暖衣」的時代,這是一個符號消費的時代。 本研究以布希亞(Baudrillard)的符號消費理論為基礎,探討評析以年輕消費族群為目標顧客的個性化、流行性商品之所以能引爆銷售狂潮的主要形成因素。研究中以「LOMO攝像產品」為選定研究個案,LOMO(中文音譯為:樂摸),此一名詞,是近幾年來才逐漸興起的新話題,它是…一家跨國企業、一系列特殊相機的總稱、一個新鮮有趣的品牌、一種獨特的攝影風格,甚至是一套隨性歡愉的生活哲學與態度。而本研究即以符號消費理論為核心概念,探討消費端對於LOMO此一個性化商品購買時的心理層次分析,並輔以及市場區隔定位、行銷組合等分析工具,來分析台灣的Lomography之所以能在年輕族群之間引起討論熱潮的原因,並以此推論全球的Lomography風潮,以了解年輕世代對於個性化商品、流行性商品所抱持的消費意圖與消費態度,並整合歸納其商品行銷成功模式,以供實務界參考。


In a world characterized by over-productive markets, where supply outstrips demand, products can be described as possessing two basic values: a ‘Use Value’ and a ‘Symbolic Value.’ Simply put, a product’s ‘Use Value’ is the ‘functional’ value it offers consumers. A product’s ‘Symbol Value,’ by contrast, describes value offered consumers that is derived from a combination of images、 characteristics, or even spiritual attributes associated with the product. Nowadays, sellers of products defined by their Use Value can expect to enjoy little – and perhaps nothing – more than the product’s minimum market value. However, sellers of products possessing high symbolic value are more likely to command greater market valuation. Today we live in the age of affluence; we live in the age of symbolic consumption. This research is based on Baudrillard`s Symbolic Consumption Theory, and attempts to identify and analyze characteristics of products enjoying brisk sales in markets dominated by symbolic consumption. The newfangled concept: ‘Lomography’ and its LOMO cameras is the focus of this study. This research employs several popular marketing models for use as marketing analysis implements of management applications. These include marketing strategies such as STP (segmentation、targeting and positioning) and 4P marketing combinations (product、price、place and promotion).


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