  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳國棟


在傳統的教學環境中,學習活動都是在教室中進行,一旦下課放學,學生離開教室後,老師很難再有機會與時間教導學生,繼續給予學生學習上的幫助。我們想根據Lave的學習理念,在教室中形成一個具階層性且互賴的實務社群,幫助學生學習。因學生在教室中學習的時間有限,而不容易達成。 現在,網路上有了Web的學習環境,要在教室中形成一個實務社群變得更可行,學生可以隨時隨地的透過Web進入這個學習的實務社群,繼續學習。再利用新興起的Wiki搭配Lave學習理念與小組合作學習的方式,讓學生由學習邊際往學習核心前進的同時,藉由組內成員彼此形成互賴的關係,提升小組成員合作學習的動機與動力,知識與經驗的分享變的更多。 經由94學年度第二學期50位大一計算機概論課程學生參與實務社群的結果來看,具階層性且互賴的實務社群確實讓組內學生彼此互賴,提高學習的動機。而階層性的學習架構,發現因學生個性的不同,想往學習核心的動機也會跟著不同。不過整體而言,這個在Wiki上形成的實務社群,確實有助學生學習,在分層負責、分工合作的情境下,學習的成效更是事半功倍。


互賴 實務社群 維基


In the traditional learning environment, the learning activities are practiced in the class. It is difficult for teacher to teach students if students leave the class. According to Lave's learning theory, we want to construct a hierarchical community of practice with social interdependence in the class to help students learning. This becomes hard to achieve for the limit of learning time in the class. Web-learning is new learning environment on the World Wide Web now. This makes our goal become practicable. Students learn in the community of practice through web-learning environment anytime and anywhere. Using the Wiki newly risen, Lave's learning theory, and team collaborative learning for students learn from peripheral to core. By social interdependence in the group, the students' motivation of learning in team is raised. The more knowledge and experience would be shared. After the experiment, the outcomes show that in our hierarchical community of practice with social interdependence students indeed have interdependence and have the more motivation of learning. We find that motivation of students learning form peripheral to core would be different by students’ individual characteristics. In conclusion, students work together on a project but doing different thing in our community of practice would learn more efficiency.


community of practice interdependence Wiki


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Khalifa, M., Lam, R. (2002). Web-Based Learning: Effects on Learning Process and Outcome. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 45, NO. 4.
Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in Practice: Mind, mathematics, and culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


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