  • 學位論文


The Community of Practice:Assists Organizational Learning study for Insurance Industry。

指導教授 : 高文彬


本研究以2009年所發生的金融風暴為背景,探討保險經紀人組織是如何運用實務社群(Community of Practice)概念,做為輔助保險業組織學習的有效依據。本研究認為保險產業,運用有別於傳統的組織治理方式,乃是透過「團隊經營」的概念來領導組織創造績效,與實務社群的理論概念相當契合。因此,本研究鎖定在2010年由國內保險事業發展中心,所頒發最佳人力資源培訓獎名單上的喬諾保險經紀人組織為研究對象。 本研究採用質性研究的個案研究,綜合運用文件分析、參與觀察以及深度訪談,來探索保險經紀人組織是如何透過建置實務社群的方式,進一步輔助組織進行學習和發展的任務。研究者在取得受訪主管的同意後,進入到喬諾保險經紀人內部的實務社群當中,進行一個月的觀察和資料蒐集。並且在參與觀察結束後,與每位實務社群的講師進行深度訪談。研究結果有以下三點發現: 一、 實務社群受到組織文化的影響頗深,因而能夠對組織的學習有著穩健的輔助功能。 二、 實務社群能夠吸引組織內部的核心成員,透過面對面的親身互動,相互分享組織內部的隱性知識與經驗。 三、 參與實務社群的成員能夠從參與社群的事務當中,強化個人的學習以及輔導培育的能力,促使個人、團隊以及組織三者之間產生共同的學習脈絡。 根據上述的研究發現,本研究的具體建議為下列五點: 一、 實務社群會基於組織文化,促使成員輔導培訓的知識產生相互連 結,並發展出成員相互學習和溝通的運作態樣。 二、 成員在參與社群時會運用溝通技巧界定社群核心問題,促使新知識 產生,並驅動學習活動持續修正,以創造實用價值。 三、 專業知識的紮根、人際網絡的擴展以及謙卑的心智淬練,可輔助其講師建立深厚的專業知識。 四、 藉由實務社群中所萃取出來的團隊智力,可以形成社群的合作默契,並進一步幫助組織提升學習與分享的效率。 五、 如果實務社群能夠專注於發展並輔導培訓的能力,藉此形成內部的團隊學習示範中心,並發展出一個可供個人、團隊以及組織學習的學習對象。


The financial meltdown had caused the rapid changes in 2009, as the results, some of the insurance agencies were either facing the collapses or the reconstruction of organisations. This study initially is carried out with the idea that both individuals and organisations who are willing to stay on learning would be able to adjust oneself into the changing society in a more effective way. It aims to look at how the “community of practice” could help organisations to carry out learning and development activities. Therefore, this study looks at concept of “teamwork” that is implemented by the Insurance Industry leaders to increase their organisation efficiency. This concept is similar to Wenger and Snyder’s “community of practice” however it is traditionally different from organisational management. Data are collected from the list of Best Human Resources Training, with special reference to Chono Insurance Brokers. This awards were organised by 2010 (Taiwan) Insurance Businesses Develop Centre. This case study adopts qualitative research methods that include document analysis, participant observation and in-depth interviews. The data are collected during one month. The purposes and research methods of this study were acknowledged by participants who are interviewed once. During the process, the researcher participates first in trainee programmes then writes research diary afterwards, and finally an in-depth interview is carried out among the staff from Chono Insurance. The findings show firstly community of practice is significantly affected by ‘organisational culture’ and ‘organisational culture’ also helps organisations to learn in an effective way. In addition, community of practice creates an opportunity, for leaders face to face, to express and exchange ideas of tacit knowledge and experiences that are existed inside of the organisations. Lastly, the process has enhanced the staff who participate in the community of practice their capability to learn at an individual level and to become an effective trainer in the future. The study suggests that 1)’organisational culture’ helps the staff to connect their knowledge and to learn something new from one and another in terms of training; 2)communication skills are used to identify the core issues of each community throughout the process of community of practice. Also, new types of knowledge are being created and the learning activities are improved or adjusted; 3) to become a professional trainer/ lecturer three essentials are recommended: professional knowledge, the extent of social network and a humble mindset; 4) the ‘team intellectual’ which is filtered from the process of community of practice that is considered to form a good understanding of teamwork and to promote organisational learning; and 5)if the community of practice focuses on developing training capacities from both individual and organisational levels, it could result in setting up the benchmark centre of teamwork learning.


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