  • 學位論文

我國車用柴油中硫含量降至10 ppm 必要性之探討

Study of the necessity of sulfur content to less than 10 ppm in the diesel

指導教授 : 李俊福


摘 要 本研究主要目的為探討政府規劃於民國100年將我國車用柴油中硫含量管制值調降至10 ppm,此一政策對國內空氣品質的影響及對產業界的衝擊進行必要性的探討。 經由本研究實際的實驗數據及彙整國內外相關資料顯示,柴油中硫含量濃度高低確實對柴油車的廢氣排放有不同程度的影響。當油品中硫含量愈高,污染物的排放量也愈大;經本研究實際實測證明當硫含量由150 ppm 降至 10 ppm時,車輛所排放的污染物之間的差異性實際上是可被忽略的。換言之,如果單純為要改善環境的空氣品質,而將管制值持續調降至10 ppm,依研究結果顯示並不符合經濟效益。 但如果從另ㄧ方面思考,國內機動車輛平均車齡約7.7年,其所使用的廢氣處理裝置並非新式的,所以排放的污染物量也較大;又因高硫含量的柴油會使觸媒轉化器中毒,而使觸媒失效或減少壽命。此外,基於我國已是世界貿易組織(WTO)的一員,政府為因應歐洲國家之柴油小客車進口壓力,因此降低車用柴油中的硫含量,來滿足歐洲國家柴油小客車的最新廢氣處理系統之觸媒要求,無論是對國家的貿易政策或對空氣污染的改善將會有直接或間接的助益。


管制法規 車用柴油 硫含量


Abstract The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan proposed the policy of low sulfur content in the diesel which set a standard for dieses to reduced sulfur content to less than 10 ppm on 2011. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of low sulfur content policy on the petroleum industry and ambient air quality. This study was conducted with the emission analysis and data colleted to show whether the sulfur content in diesel can significantly affect the pollution emission. We observed that the pollution emission is almost the same when the sulfur concentration down to 150 ~ 10 ppm. Our finding indicates that improving the ambient air quality by reducing the sulfur content down to less than 10 ppm, the extra financial pressure on refiners could result in under-investment and tightening of the supply. Despite the fact that the average cars’ life in Taiwan is 7.7 years, current cars without install new engine will cause more pollution emission. If a car with NOx storage catalyst system need effective reduction of NOx. Higher levels of sulfur in the fuel result in faster catalyst deactivation and more frequent regeneration. Diesel engine passenger cars have already imported from Europe in 2005. The sulfur concentration in the fuel must be reduced to “ultra low sulfur” to meet the requirement of the new engine and after-treatment system.


Regulations Control Diesel Sulfur


fuel effects on emissions from modern gasoline vehicles, part
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Association des Constructeurs Europeens d,Automobile,(ACEA),2000,ACEA data of the sulphur effect on advanced emission control technologies,Belgium:Association des Constructeurs Europeens d,Automobile


