  • 學位論文


Experimental Investigation on RC Moment-Resisting Frames with Different Failure Mechanisms

指導教授 : 王勇智


本實驗採用四支抗彎構架試體,實驗試體為採用一根韌性抗彎構架,乃符合規範配筋之相關規定做設計。三根為非韌性抗彎構架,主要針對於柱與接頭配筋缺失做設計,作為模擬低矮樓房之配筋缺失,藉此觀察構架受側向力作用時,裂縫的發展情形與破壞形式對於構架強度與韌性的發展。 由實驗結果顯示,根據規範之配筋相關規定做設計的試體,於接頭與柱均有緊密箍筋之圍束,能有效的抑制柱底與接頭剪力變形,以致於有良好韌性發展。對於梁柱接頭未設置箍筋之試體,由於接頭剪力變形過大,最後為接頭破壞,但有梁的圍束作用,因此其強度並非大幅度減弱。而對於柱剪力箍筋配置不足之試體,由於箍筋無法有效圍束柱剪力變形,其強度大幅減弱,最後皆產生柱底剪力破壞,視為極嚴重脆性破壞。


Four RC moment-resisting frames were tested in the study. One of the specimens was a ductile frame designed according to code specification. Others were non-ductile frames which were designed for column and joint shear failure modes. The purpose of the study is to observe the failure behaviors of four test units. From the test results, the code-designed specimen, having close transverse reinforcement inside the column and joint, performed a ductile behavior. The specimen with no transverse reinforcement inside the joint was failed in joint shear damage. However, the joint shear failure did not cause the overall frame collapse in an abrupt way. The specimens with deficiencies in column shear failed unlike the one with poor joint. That is the strength decrease rapidly and shear failure was imposed to the base column at the end of test.


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