  • 學位論文


Multi-Perspectives Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise Expansion -IC Foundry as a Cas

指導教授 : 高信培


協同專案管理在高科技產業中扮演了一個相當重要的角色,在啟動一個新高科技的建廠專案時,包含了複雜的組織協同活動與不同系統的整合,過去缺乏適當的方法論去整合並行的系統與資訊,經常造成不良的溝通與不良的資訊整合,此研究闡述一個多重觀點之參考模型,來協助企業流程設計與參與者,在進行企業擴展、策略聯盟、以及併購之專案時,更容易去管理複雜的動態關係與系統整合。 此研究提供了四個不同的面向觀點,來為企業擴展分析其相關之流程,並引用晶圓代工產業為例子來探討產業界中之擴展策略,其中之企業本體論(enterprise ontology)觀點,能夠協助流程設計與專案參與者在專案初期時,在面對複雜的工作流程中獲得較好的溝通過程;藉由競合關係(competitiveness and collaboration)觀點可以幫助相關人員清楚了解彼此之間之關係,並因此在專案過程中提昇協同合作的效率與關係;而企業流程(business process)觀點是使用資訊整合系統架構(architecture of integrated information system)與統一塑模語言(unified modeling language)為設計工具,來描述企業中與不同企業間之組織、發生事件、組織功能、以及系統流程彼此間的互動關係,進而協助專案管理與參與者來做決策之制定;資訊科技(information technology)觀點則以虛擬平台之架構,來探討企業中與不同企業間之系統透過此平台,如何建立資訊整合的協同架構。


Collaborative project management is becoming a key means of survival for managing the high technology business. Starting a new high technology fabrication project involves a complex organizational collaboration and systems integration. In the past, lack of adequate theoretical approaches to combine the parallel systems has led to poor integration of the information and poor communication. This study describes a multi-views reference model for helping business process designers and participants better manage the dynamic relationship and system integration that can occur during the enterprise expansion, strategic alliance, and as well as merger/acquisition project. This study provides four perspective views to analyze the business processing for the enterprise expansion and uses the IC foundry as a case to explore the key of success from the strategic expansion game. Enterprise ontology view helps the process designer and participants for better communication when dealing with the complex working process at the beginning phase of enterprise expansion. The competitiveness and collaboration view shows the different collaborative modes in the enterprise expansion processes to enhance the collaborative efficiency. The business process view adopts the architecture of integrated information system (ARIS) and unified modeling language (UML) tool set to describe the interaction between the organization, events, functions, the systems flow, and as well as the architecture of the collaborative model for further understanding the relationship the intra and inter-firms during the enterprise expansion event for better decision-making. The information technology view discusses the virtual prototype issues for integrating information systems during the enterprise expansion processes.


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