  • 學位論文

供應鏈管理系統之實施導入探討: 以晶圓代工公司為例

Implementation of Enterprise Supply Chain Management - A case Study Of IC Foundry Company

指導教授 : 林博文


在資本技術密集的晶圓代工產業,如何有效的滿足客戶在產能上的需求,向來是這個產業的一項重要目標,這有賴於從客戶的需求到產能的規劃,以及生產計劃安排的一連串整合。此外,這個產業發展至今已20餘年,尤其近年來,中國大陸在這方面的發展快速,更加造成產業間的激烈競爭,成本掌控及獲利能力的提昇,也一直成為各公司努力改善的目標。而要整合上述流程系統及提昇公司競爭力,則有賴於一套設計完善的供應鏈管理系統。 這個產業的特性,包括景氣變動快、產品週期短、需求的不確定、訂單的變動頻繁、製程複雜..等,都使的供應鏈管理系統的架構及開發更顯的困難,許多公司在推行上也都無功而返。然而,本研究的個案公司,卻能依據自己的產業特性及內部需要,建立一套專案開發管理模式,有效的整合各項內外部資源,成功的將此系統推動上線,也獲致了良好的成果。 本研究針對個案公司,在供應鏈管理系統的推行上,探討其推動的過程及管理模式、實務上所遭遇的挑戰,並歸納出成功的關鍵要素。在實務的挑戰上,分別由專案管理面及系統管理面,進行深入的剖析,包含專案團隊的管理、流程再造引領系統的開發、大型專案推動的變革管理以及提出系統技術面容易遭遇到問題的因應對策。這些研究與探討,對於有興趣推動此系統的企業應具有相當的價值及啟發。


How to satisfy customer’s demand in the capital-intensive foundry industry has always been a key objective of the foundry company, and it involves a series of integration efforts from customer demand planning to foundry capacity planning to meet this objective. Foundry industry has been developed for over 20 years, and the competition is becoming fiercer in recent years due to China’s rapid growth in this industry. The improvement in cost and profit structure has been critical in such competitive environment, and it relies on a comprehensive supply chain management (SCM) system to integrate key business processes and enhance a company’s competitiveness. The characteristics of the foundry industry—including rapid-changing market, short product life cycle, uncertain demand, frequent order-changes, complex manufacturing processes, and so on— have made the implementation of SCM system more complex and difficult. Many companies have failed in their endeavor to deploy the SCM system due to the above characteristics. However, the case company in this study has successfully delivered the SCM system with great results through understanding of the distinctive foundry characteristics as well as business requirements and developing a customized project management model to effectively integrate internal and external resources for system implementation. This thesis illustrates the implementation process, management model and practical challenges regarding the deployment of SCM system at the case company, and then comes up with the key success factors. In-depth investigation from the perspectives of project management and system development has been conducted in the industrial settings, and the research areas include team management, process-oriented development, change management as well as practical key issues and their corresponding solutions. The reference model of this thesis will benefit those who want to understand or promote the SCM system.


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