  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 滕曉雲


中國隨著改革開放及進入WTO組織後,就向全世界敞開了它的大門,中國這片充滿商機的巨大市場吸引著越來越多的世界著名企業及知名産品相繼進駐到中國。由於中國大陸地區人口衆多,人民生活水準逐年提高,對乳製品的需求量越來越大,使得大陸地區乳品產業産業目前已成爲一個極具市場潛力的行業,也因此吸引了越來越多的企業進入此行業。 本研究以個案研究的研究方法,通過對個案公司所在産業的外部宏觀環境、所在産業的整體環境、公司內部具體情況、內部現今採取的競爭策略,以及公司未來發展方向,籍此研究台商在大陸乳品産業之發展現況及競爭策略作爲自身企業在製造方向及策略之參考。因此,本研究的目的如下: 1、分析中國大陸宏觀環境的變化,對乳品産業的影響。 2、對於中國大陸乳品産業的分析比較。 3、探討個案公司在中國大陸乳品市場的競爭策略。 本研究通過分析研究發現乳品企業未來具體的競爭策略方向將向:產品多元化、賦予產品競爭力、控制供應鏈、確立通路優勢、運用獨特且有效促進購買行為的行銷手段等幾方面發展。


Since Deng Xiaoping’s “Open Door Policy” in 1978 and the subsequent participation in the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has opened its door to foreign investments. The vast land size and economic growth potential attracted numerous well-known international companies to set up operations in China. The great products that these companies produced soon followed. Because of the huge Chinese population and higher standards of living, the demand for diary products has increased dramatically over the years. This makes the diary industry in China a business with great growth potential. Therefore, many companies, both foreign and domestic, are getting into the diary business hoping to capture a large share of the market. This research is based on the method of individual case study. The subject is company P in the diary industry. I study the macroeconomic environment of the diary industry, the overall economic condition in the diary field, its internal policies and competing strategies, and finally, the development direction this company is heading to in the future. I am using this research to study the current development stage and competing strategies of Taiwanese companies in Chinese diary industry. I will also be using these examples as references in my own company’s development direction and competing strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this research is as follows: 1. Studying how the ever-changing Chinese macroeconomic environment affects the diary industry. 2. Studying and comparing the diary industry in China 3. Studying and discussing the competing strategies of company P in the Chinese diary market Through this research, I discover the future of competing strategies in the diary industry gears towards: the diverseness of products, giving products competitive edges, controlling supply chain, establishing an advantage in product distribution, and finally, using unique and effective marketing schemes to influence buyers’ behaviors.


3. Aaker, D.A., Strategic Market Management ,New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 1984
14. Porter, M. E., Competitive Strategy, New York: Free Press, 1980.
15. Porter, M. E., Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press, 1985.
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18. Scott W. Richard., Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems, Prentice-Hall International Editions., 1987.
