  • 學位論文


Research on Consumers'' Willingness to Use E-Readers

指導教授 : 薛義誠


在電子書的發展中,除了下載數位內容至家用電腦、筆記型電腦外,另一常見之閱讀載具即為可攜式的電子書閱讀器,採用「電子墨水」的技術,不但體積輕薄,在螢幕顯示上,也更接近實體紙張的呈現效果,隨著軟性電子產業的發展,應用在電子出版產業,勢必將顛覆傳統的閱讀習慣。但目前電子書閱讀器的使用情況尚未普及,且學術界也缺乏相關電子書閱讀器在消費者市場的實徵研究;因此,本研究將利用「整合型科技接受與採用模式」探討影響消費者採用電子書閱讀器的因素及影響構面,並瞭解消費者使用電子書閱讀器的態度及行為意圖。 本研究利用網路進行問卷調查,共回收732份問卷,有效問卷654份。分析模式的路徑關係並進行模型配適度的檢驗,得到的實證結果如下: 1.除了「預期的績效」及「付出努力的期望」兩者對「行為意圖」不具顯著影響,其餘構面「使用行為態度」、「外部配合環境」及「社會性影響」對「行為意圖」皆具有顯著影響。 2.與使用經驗相關的兩個構面:預期的績效及付出努力的期望對行為意圖皆不顯著,顯示目前消費者少有機會使用到電子書閱讀器,廠商應打開商品知名度,讓消費者「眼見為憑」。 3.電子書閱讀器的可試驗性正向影響使用意圖,因此廠商應在通路賣場增加試用機會,讓早期大眾試用商品後,透過人際影響,吸引其他未接觸過商品的消費者。 4.外部配合環境正向顯著影響使用意圖,廠商開發電子書閱讀器的新功能與特性應配合使用者需求,才會讓消費者增加採用意願。 5.社會性影響正向影響使用意圖。在人際影響上,廠商應先針對早期大眾做目標行銷,再透過他們影響後續潛在採用者;而在外部的宣傳管道上,除了傳統宣傳管道,也應增加專家意見,並建立網路口碑。


With the growing of digital publishing industry, people are access to a variety of E-books more easily. An electronic reader (E-Reader) is a dedicated device to read E-books. Combined with the “E ink” and state-of-the-art display technology like E ink and flexible electronics, e-Readers will be widely used in the future. Most researches are focused on e-books nowadays, but only few ones on E-Readers. Since there are no researches on consumers’ attitude toward using E-Readers, this research attempt to investigate what aspects will influence on consumers’ adoption wiliness. Based on the Theory of Unified Thoery of Acceptance and Use of Technology, this research uses questionnaire to conduct an empirical study. From the collection of 654 samples, this research uses the method of SEM to develop a research model. Based on the research result, it is shown that consumers generally are lack of experiences on using E-Readers, so that the construct related to experiences both have no significant influence on consumers’ intention toward using E-Readers. Social influence, facilitate conditions and attitude toward using technology all have significant influence on consumers’ intention. Thus, dealers should highly promote E-Reader to make consumers take notice of this product and have chance to try it out. Via the interpersonal relationship influence, dealers should use target marketing programs on early adopter. Also, expert comments and positive feedback on internet forums both have influence on consumers’ wiliness to use E-Readers.


E-Books E-Readers Diffusion of Innovation UTAUT


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