  • 學位論文


Work-Family Conflict: Sex difference in work-family demands, resources

指導教授 : 陸洛


由於教育水準的提升,帶動女性就業人口的增加,影響了家庭與工作的本質,傳統「男主外、女主內」的家庭分工模式隨之改變。隨著女性走出家庭,進入職場,促使兩性開始重新思考工作與家庭之間多重角色扮演與責任分工。女性除原有的家庭勞務之外,還需面對職場上的要求﹔男性原本只需面對職場上的工作負荷,隨著女性的就業,迫使他們必須分擔傳統上屬於女性的家務工作,工作與家庭間的雙向衝突就此展開。本研究以承受工作與家庭雙重壓力、有全職工作之「職家男女」為主要研究對象,探討兩性在面對人生的兩大重點 -「工作」與「家庭」的拉扯下,衍生出不同的壓力與衝突感受。 本研究以結構式問卷收集資料,透過量化分析,檢驗兩性於職家衝突感受及其它研究變項上之差異,結果如下: (1) 女性在「工作要求」的工作負荷感受上高於男性。 (2) 男性在「工作資源」的組織家庭政策及組織的信念感受上高於女性。 (3) 女性在「家庭資源」的家庭支持感受上高於男性。 (4) 兩性在「家庭要求」的感受上無明顯差異。 (5) 兩性在「以時間為基礎的衝突」、「以緊張為基礎的衝突」和「以行為為基礎的衝突」的內涵中的家庭–工作(FWC)衝突感受上無明顯差異。 (6) 兩性在「以時間為基礎的衝突」、「以緊張為基礎的衝突」和「以行為為基礎的衝突」的內涵中的工作–家庭(WFC)衝突感受上無明顯差異。 此外,藉由質性訪談,透視並揭露量化研究背後發人深省的意涵。最終目的乃希望在企業與政府提供的資源協助下,兩性能找出最佳的因應方式,讓「職家衝突」不再是職家男女宿命的兩難,搖擺的天平能取得最終的平衡點。


The progress of education level increases female population in the man power market, which impacts the nature between work and family, the traditional concept of “men go out for work, women stay at home” is changed accordingly. As female walks out of the family and joins the work market, men and women are urged to reconsider about the multiple roles play and responsibility share. Female, other than original family duties, needs to face work demands requested from employer; Male, due to female enters into job, except his own workload, is pushed to share traditional family loading occupied by female in the past. The work and family conflict starts since then. This study is focus on “work-family population” with permanent job, facing work & family stress, the two different genders, under the implication between work and family, suffers from different stress and conflict. Data collected through structured questionnaires revealed several sex differences in work-family conflict and other research variables, as below: (1) In “work demands”, work load has more impact on women than on men. (2) In “work resources”, family supportive policies & organizational family support” have more impact on men than on women. (3) In “family resources”, relatives living close has more impact on women than on men. (4) No significant sex differences in “family demands”. (5) No significant sex differences in “time-base”, “strain base”, and “behavior base” work family conflict. (6) No significant sex differences in “time-base”, “strain base”, and “behavior base” family work conflict In addition, by way of interviews with different people, this study penetrates and reveals some interesting points and deep thoughts, which, the statistic outcomes can never express. The purpose is, wishing that, under the resources provided by government and enterprise, the work-family population can find out the best solution, so, the work-family conflict becomes no more an inevitable dilemma, and the swing scale can reach its balance at the end.


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