  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 何應欽


世界各國的貿易營運上已逐漸朝向全球化經營,傳統零售業的營運型態也隨這波潮流不斷創新與變動,連帶影響了整體行銷通路體系。許多統計資料顯示,整個物流作業在公司的營運成本中,佔了相當大的比例。做好物流工作降低營運成本、提高顧客服務水準,並滿足顧客的要求已成為企業強化競爭優勢的武器。因此,有效的運用物流策略,將可掌握競爭優勢,並擴大企業體附加價值,同時降低物流處理過程中的成本,提高競爭市場的利潤,且市場競爭激烈,企業能否以較低的成本以提供顧客良好的服務,亦是決定該企業永續經營的關鍵之一。在物流中心的各項內部作業中,揀貨作業是一項重要且繁雜的工作,是否能在合理的時間內完成此項作業、增快貨品流通速度並避免不必要的儲存成本、使商品能快速運送到達顧客手中,其將直接影響物流中心的經營成本與顧客滿意度。 本研究乃探討物流中心揀貨作業效率化的問題,由於揀貨作業是以訂單資料處理後的結果來進行作業,因此吾人也針對物流中心內部之訂單揀貨作業的方向來剖析,探討對象以業界常見的物流中心平行式走道倉儲為主,透過不同因子與法則的設定來完成訂單,本篇欲探討的因子如訂單切割、訂單選取規則、訂單大小的分布情形等,並於最後應用系統模擬的方式以產出不同的實驗結果,藉此判斷於何種情況,以最合適的方法來提高揀貨效率,獲得最好的揀貨方式。透過模擬軟體找出任一情境下達到作業完成所需的最少時間、揀貨員的最少等待時間以及最短行走距離為目標的最佳因子組合。


The environment of this study is modeled upon a distribution centre in Taiwan. A picker often has to visit more than one zone to pick all items in an order. There is one important restriction with the environment– no more than one picker can work simultaneously in the same zone. This paper focuses on one problem of this environment, i.e. order splitting procedure that the system deals with an order of which number of items needed with an order exceeds the capacity limit of picking box. Eleven order splitting strategies are proposed and studied for the problem. Furthermore, fore order-picking solutions are proposed for assigning orders to each picker. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies in three performance measures – Total Running Time of pickers (TRT), Total Waiting Time of pickers (TWT), and Total Traveling Distance of pickers (Tdist.). The simulation results show that those strategies based on considering the character of distance are performed better than other strategies without considering that character in Tdist-index. And those strategies based on considering the character of order similarity are performed better than other strategies without considering that character in TWT-index.


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