  • 學位論文


Improving Sequential Zone Picking by Routing Flexibility

指導教授 : 呂俊德 何應欽


由於近年來世界經濟的全球化、貿易的自由化、較短的產品生命週期等發展趨勢,物流已成為供應鏈中相當重要的一環。而消費者需求特性的改變,物流業者必須以少量、多樣、多頻率的配送方式來滿足零售商與消費者的需求,而以往需要經過多層級與交錯複雜的通路來配送的傳統物流已無法滿足現今消費者的需求,逐漸轉變為供應商藉由物流中心(Distribution Center;D.C.)直接將商品配送至各零售商,節省了收貨、送貨、倉儲等成本以及運送時間,因此物流中心成為一個重要的角色。 物流中心的各項內部作業中,揀貨作業是相當重要且繁複的一項作業。傳統物流中心的揀貨作業其相關人力,約佔整體物流人力的50%以上,而揀貨作業時間佔整個物流時間之比例高達30%至40%。因此,如何規劃一個較佳的揀貨作業,有效地降低揀貨作業時間與成本,並提升揀貨作業效率,對於物流中心的營運有顯著的影響。本研究將探討物流中心內部的揀貨作業,針對其中的分區揀貨環境進行探討。江偉銘﹙2010﹚所提出具有途程彈性之分區揀貨環境,該環境利用RFID系統,獲得即時資訊,減少阻塞與等候的情形發生,本研究將加強在該環境下的訂單選取法則以及揀貨箱派送法則,並以江偉銘(2010)提出之法則作為比較的對象。經由模擬之結果來驗證何種法則搭配會明顯增進揀貨效率。


In the recent years, due to globalization and shorter product life cycle, logistics has become the crucial part of supply chain, and with the change of customers’ demand, the logistic industry have to deliver merchandise frequently in a small amount and high-diversity way to meet the requirements of customers. As a result, Distribution Center has been recognized as an efficient way to deliver merchandise. Among all the operations of Distribution Center, order picking is the most important and complicated job, hence how to organize an order picking operation to save cost and time is an critical issue in managing distribution center. This study discusses the order picking operation in the distribution center, and focuses on sequential zone picking system. This research presents a picking system based on sequential zone picking system, this system is more flexible in routing, it also employs RFID system to obtain information promptly to avoid blocking and increase efficiency in order picking operation. Several order selection rules and dispatching rules are addressed in this study, and tested under different scenarios, which are the different types of order and different number of order in system. The objectives of this study are to understand the performance of order selection rules and dispatching rules under different scenarios, and look for the best combination of these two rules. Results show that both of order selection rules and dispatching rules are significanct. Results also show that the new picking system is better than sequential zone picking system under any scenarios in this study.


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