  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


近年來,由於供應鏈的興起,又因新的價值觀與消費型態也逐漸抬頭,為了因應此種消費型態,物流業者有別於以往需透過複雜且多層級的配銷通路之配送方式,而是以「少量、多樣、多頻率」的商品配送來滿足零售業者與消費者,這使得物流中心開始興起。   而在物流中心的各項內部作業中,揀貨作業是重要且繁雜的工作,能否在合理時間內完成揀貨作業與物流中心的經營成本和服務水準有直接的關係。目前大多數的物流中心是屬於勞力密集的產業,其中與揀貨作業相關的人力就佔了50%以上;而揀貨作業時間佔整個物流中心作業時間30%-40%;對於整體倉儲的總作業成本而言,揀貨作業成本就佔了50%-75%。因此,為了有效地降低揀貨作業的時間與成本,如何規劃一個合理的揀貨作業將對物流中心營運有決定性的影響。   本研究所探討的問題是屬於物流中心內部訂單揀貨作業之研究,針對揀貨人員欲拜訪的揀貨區域為阻塞狀態之決策問題進行探討,並提出多種不同的揀貨路徑規劃方法,搭配揀貨訂單的分佈比例以及揀貨人數的多寡等因子,應用模擬軟體實驗之結果來分析本研究所提出的揀貨路徑規劃方法在不同因子下的表現,觀察其能否有效降低總揀貨的時間,以及何種法則能有效克服揀貨區域阻塞的情況,以期能達到最佳的效能。


In recent years, the operation of distribution center becomes the focus of competition for enterprise due to the product life cycles shorten and the concept of supply chain emerges. The picking operation almost account over for 50% of overall logistic labor, and the picking operation process time account for 40%. So the importance of picking operation can affect enough the operation and cost. The environment of this study is modeled after a distribution center in Taiwan. One unique characteristic of this environment is that the picking area has been divided into different zones. This research discover the picker executing the picking operation which faces the situation of waiting to visit picking zone is blocked, so it focuses on one problem of this environment, i.e. finding the best zone-visitation sequence a picker can follow. This research proposes the nine zone-visitation sequencing strategies, and discusses the two environmental factors – the number of pickers and orders size. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies in three performance measures – Total System Time(TST), Total Travel Distance of Pickers(TTD), and Total Busy Time of Pickers(TBT). The result shows zone-visitation sequencing strategies have good performance even in different environmental factors.


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