  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


近年隨著產品及消費型態日新月異,且世界經濟全球化、貿易自由化、網際網路蓬勃發展,導致全球競爭愈趨激烈,國際間的通路、網路結構也愈趨複雜。因此,顧客化與降低通路總成本已成為主要目標,但只是單純的物流中心設置規劃,已不能解決市場上配送的種種變化,而是要達到低成本營運、快速反應的物流機制,以超越其他競爭者。另外,網際網路技術日漸成熟,使用成本愈來愈低廉,企業間透過資訊系統的廉潔,使得彼此資訊同步流通,進而發揮互利共生的合作意識,有效促進供應鏈管理觀念的興起與實踐。且在現今社會中,物流整合的重要性有增無減,企業能否建構高效率的物流系統,將會嚴重影響供應鏈的推動成效。而物流的核心活動為倉儲及運輸,故企業倉儲營運績效的好壞,決定企業物流系統整合的成敗。 傳統物流中心內,揀貨作業所花費的時間佔整個物流時間的30~40%。因此,揀貨作業是物流中心整體營運績效的指標。而揀貨區域規劃與產品擺放位置的規劃都跟揀貨作業的效率有極大關連。 本研究主要針對物流中心內部訂單揀貨作業,為主要探討重點,而探討對象以捷盟行銷物流中心之水平式走道的倉儲為主,作一有系統的研究。針對特定時間內,不同的情境,模擬出不同的結果,用以判斷何種情況下,以何種揀貨方式可以獲得最好的揀貨效率。即是用模擬軟體以不同的揀貨路徑策略,在不同的訂單型態、揀貨人員數、訂單選取規則下,針對其個別揀貨作業績效,求取最佳效果組合。


The environment of this study is modelled after a distribution centre in Taiwan. One unique characteristic of this environment is that the picking area has been divided into different zones. A picker often has to visit more than one zone to pick all the items in an order. This environment has one important restriction – no more than one picker can simultaneously be in the same zone. This paper focuses on one problem of this environment, i.e. finding the best zone-visitation sequence a picker can follow. Three zone-visitation sequencing strategies –the fixed zone-visitation sequencing strategy, the dynamic zone-visitation sequencing strategy and the revised-dynamic zone-visitation sequencing strategy – are proposed and studied for the problem. And five order-picking solutions – penalty, average penalty, overlap, nonoverlap, and ratio – are proposed for the problem. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies in three performance measures – Total Travel Distance of pickers (Tdist.), Total Required System Time to complete the picking operations (RT), and Total Picking Time of pickers (TBT). The simulation results show that the revised-dynamic strategy is less than the fixed strategy in Tdist., but better than the dynamic strategy. The revised-dynamic strategy is less than than the dynamic strategy, but better than the fixed strategy in RT. The revised-dynamic strategy is the best of the three strategy in TBT.


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