  • 學位論文


The Research of the factors which might influence the price of technology transfer in the Military and Civil Interchangeable Technology Fund

指導教授 : 耿 筠


高科技智慧財產權的關鍵在於技術,技術移轉是一個複雜而且主觀的交易行為,其中最困難的部分在於技術價格幾乎無法由市場供需法則決定,技術擁有者通常處於獨佔地位,其交易價格多半是談判而來。為使國防科技技術移轉交易有一適當之價格決定模式,本研究主要著重於整體性的考量,由以前學者對技術移轉之文獻探討整理出影響國防科技技術移轉價格之因素,並以中科院「軍民通用科技發展作業基金」技術移轉研究,試圖找出影響技術移轉價格之因素,以此為基礎用以建構一技術授權之架構及模式,作為國防科技技術移轉認列、揭露與評價參考。本研究中發現: 一、中科院技術移轉交易多以技術授權的方式進行,其優點為能在快速的時間內將技術應用在技術引進者企業內並開發新產品,優先進入新市場。技術引進者以簽訂契約的方式取得技術的使用權,契約的內容包括移轉之技術使用年限、技術權利金支付方式、及其他限制條款等。技術引進者多以簽訂短期(三至五年)契約取得授權者之技術使用權。技術報酬之支付方式多以支付權利金為主,而權利金之支付方式包括一次付款及分期付款等。 二、國防機構所設置之「作業基金」不是以營利為目的,故以基金型態營運之研發單位,在技術移轉或成果移轉民間,收取相關權利費用時,係以扶植民間產業帶動國內國防科技機構科技研發,進而促進經濟發展、提昇國家競爭力為主,並未以研發成本為主要考量因素。 三、國防科技技術移轉在產品成本策略上主要還是以價值鏈的專業分工為考量,以中科院為例,將本身定位在價值鏈中前端技術研發部分,故技轉策略不宜做下游生產、行銷等業務。 四、國防科技技術移轉民間所收取之相關權利費用等,因經驗不足及不知如何訂價等因素,故無一定之計價標準,主要還是以市場經驗法則以及議價的能力為主。 五、大多數技術授權者所採取之策略為開發新市場、獲得支持及降低產品成本的策略為主;技術引進者則多以縮短進入新市場時間、突破貿易保護及節省研發經費等為其技術引進主要動機。 六、不同產業所運用之技術移轉時應有不同方式的訂價模式,但主要還是以獲利的能力、研究發展的成本、技術移轉的成本及議價能力等因素為主要考量。 七、技術移轉雙方曾有合作經驗者,因相互間有一定程度上的瞭解,明瞭對方合作誠意,將有助於彼此在進行技轉時配合度及互動良好。 八、在技術移轉過程中,高階主管的直接參與和重視,除可在議價談判時爭取對己較有利態勢,並可增加執行力及預期會有良好成效。 九、受國防科技技術移轉之民間企業,對引進之技術及各項服務等均感滿意,主要原因為對國防事業後續配合度及技術發展均有一定的信心。


技術移轉 技術價格


A crucial point of the described hi-tech intellectual property right is the technology transfer, which is a business transaction of complexity and subject to this transaction. The price of technology is not decided by market supply and demand but usually from the negotiation. The owners of technology definitely have the monopoly. Therefore, this study puts emphasis on the whole evaluation to develop a reasonable price decision model of national defense technology transfer trade. By reviewing literatures and a case study on the Military and Civil Interchangeable Technology Development Operation Fund in C.S.I.S.T., the researcher tried to find those factors might influence the price of national defense technology transfer transactions. According to these factors, the researcher builds a framework as a reference of technology transfer recognized, exposed, and evaluated. This research found that: 1. The technology transfer of C.S.I.S.T is chiefly proceeded by technology authorization. In this way, the adopters could instantly and advantageously apply the new technique in making new product and open up a new market. Two sides make a promise by signing a short-term (about 3-5 years) contract in which the expiration date, payment of right fees, and other restrictive clauses are stated. Besides, the payment of right fees is either lump-sum payment or installment payment. 2. The operation funds established by National Defense Department are mainly targeted on helping the growth of the civil industries to furthermore upgrade national defense technology research and development, enhance economic development, and promote national challenge by earning profits. Thus, they do not take the cost of research and development into consideration when set the right fees. 3. The product cost policy of national defense technology transfer is chiefly designed as professional division of labor. To take the C.S.I.S.T as an example, it orientated itself the preceding part of a value chain, concentrating on the technology research and development rather than manufacturing and marketing. 4. The related right fees are set mainly on the basis of market experience rule or the ability of bargaining. There is not a standard to follow when the technology transfer occurs. 5. The policies of the authorizing part are developing a new marketing, getting support, and reducing the cost. However, shortening the period of entering a new market, breaking the trade protection measures, and cutting down the cost of research and development are the major motives of the introduction of technology. 6. Different industries should has its own price setting method on the consideration of capability of earning profits, the cost of research and development, the cost of technology transfer, and the ability of bargaining. 7. Both sides will keep in better cooperation and interaction when they have had the experience of sincere coordination and more known each other. 8. The negotiators will perform better and take their advantages in price bargaining when they are supported and respected by high-level chiefs during the process of technology transfer. 9. The civil authorized industries are all satisfied with the imported technique and follow-up services because of their confidence in the national defense technology development and continued cooperation.




