  • 學位論文


A Study of the Taiwan Modern Medical Prose

指導教授 : 葉振富


「醫療散文」與社會的脈動緊密相連,延伸出許多文本之外的 議題,在論述的過程,也提供了多方與社會文化對話的空間,然 而,到目前為止,相關的研究論述並不多。本論文選擇一九九○至 二○○六年間的臺灣醫療散文作品為主要研究對象,藉由整體性、 系統性的研究分析,希望提供眾人對醫療散文更清楚的認識。 第一章為緒論,主要說明本文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍與 方法以及文獻回顧。 第二章分為三個小節,主要針對歐、美、亞及臺灣從日治時期 迄今的醫事作家及其作品作一概述,以瞭解前人在醫療文學上的貢 獻。 第三章和第四章均分為三個小節,主要藉由作品的探討瞭解當 代醫療散文寫作現況。第三章以醫病關係中的主體為探討重點,第 一節談論患者面臨疾病的心情,往往被寂寞與回憶壟罩在孤單的世 界中;第二節討論疾病與懲罰的深刻意涵;第三節從患者所體悟的 生死哲學中尋找生命意義。 第四章則以醫病關係中的他者為主題,第一節從他者的愛看醫 療散文中的人文情懷;第二節以診間的沉思為話題探討世人苦難; 第三節則關注形而上力量對醫療的影響。 第五章分為兩小節探討醫療散文中的藝術成就,因為醫學背景 的影響,因此醫療話語在醫療散文中的運用更為精準,而對於痛苦 的描寫也獨樹一幟。 第六章為結論,主要總結研究成果,並提出後續研究的建議, 開啟臺灣醫療散文更寬廣的視野與解讀空間。


散文 疾病 當代散文 臺灣文學 醫療


The medical prose is closely connected with the change of the society. It’s not only confined in the relationship with the physicians and the patients but also brought about a lot of discussions beyond this relationship. But until now, there are not many researches focus on this topic. This research is based on the medical prose published from 1990 to 2006, by using comprehensive and systemic analyses, hope to provide a clearer concept about medical prose. The first chapter is the introduction, explaining the research motive, purpose, scope, methods and documents review of this study. The second chapter is divided into three sections. In order to understand the contribution from predecessors, this chapter introduce the background and the literary works of the western and Taiwan writers who were engaged in medical work. The third and fourth chapters are both divided into three sections. The third chapter is focus on the doctors- patients course. The first section describes the feeling when the patients first know that they got diseases. The second section discusses the relationship between diseases and punishment. The third section discusses how to find the meaning of life through the patient''s life and death philosophy. The fourth chapter depicts the doctors-patients course from the observer’s point of view. The first section describes the humanism from the observer’s concern. The second section discusses the tribulation of the life through the topic of the diagnosis and treatment. The third section discusses the metaphysical power how to affect medical treatment . The fifth chapter is divided into two sections, discussing the artistic achievement in the medical prose. Because of the writers’ medical background, many technical terms are widely used in the medical prose. Their depictions of the patient’s suffering are also distinctive. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, summarize the research results and propose the suggestions to further research directions, open the more broad vision for the medical prose of Taiwan.


medical ailment Taiwan literature modern prose prose


陳 宏。《眨眼之間──漸凍人陳宏的熱情人生》,臺北:圓神出版社,2002。



